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40 Like Pilgrims Like pilgrims we have come from far and near in the name of internation -alism We have come to learn how to break barriers how to enlarge our visions we have also come to lay the turf on the recent past. Graz, old city, Roman settlement. Throughout the ages a city marked by history. We were told of Turkish invasions of the Counter Reformation and other items of other worlds framed in gold and Baroque. We were told of the bombings how the city was nearly flattened during the war. Let us hold our peace let us keep the silence of the Anschluss the goose step the flowing banners of red and black. At the invitation of the city for one of its regular arts festivals Hans Haacke built in 1988 a replica of the 1938 wooden column which circled the soaring obelisk in the town centre. The first column was erected to celebrate Hitler’s Victory Marches. Haacke’s column repeated the same plus copies of documents of the Anschluss attached. One peaceful Sunday morning Haacke’s column was fire-bombed. That same year Mr. Kurt Waldheim was elected President of Austria. Friends, tread gently for you tread on the dead. Let us tend the grass grow flowers lest we be bombed again. ...
