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lndex air see feng al1egorical interpretation of tz'u 78 al1iteration see shuang-sheng al1usions, use of 20-21, 29, 53-54, 57. See also li-shih ‘An hsiang' II音香 (tz'u tune) 55 ancient-style verse see ku-shih Anthologie de la poésie chinoise classique 39 anthologies of tz'u 63, 81, 86 Anthology of Chinese literature 39 The art of Chinese poetry 23 assonance see tieh-yün Ayling, A. 39, 44n background stories see pen-shih Baxter, G. 33, 34n, 35 beautiful see yu-mei Birch, C. 39 bone see ku Book of odes see Shih ching Buck, P. 85n Buddhist ideas in literary criticism 20-21, 43. See also Taoist ideas in literary criticÍsm Burke, E. 15n Candlin, C. 39 Ch'a chi-ch'ao 查織起 (18th cent.) 35n Chang Chieh 章樂 (d. 1102): tz'u to the tune of ‘Shui lung yin' 水龍吟 54 Ch'ang hen ko 長恨歌 64 'Ch'ang hsiang ssu' 長相思 (tz'u tune) 62 Chang Hsiao-hsiang 張孝祥 (1129一 1166) 81, 94 Chang Hsien 張先 (990-1078) 42n, 51 Chang Hui-yen 張惠言 (1761一 1802) 44, 74, 75n, 78; Tz'uhs 似n 詞選 86 'Ch'ang ming nui' 長命女 (tz'u tune) 80 Chang Pi 張泌(戶. c. 924) 的一90, 90n-91n Chang Pin 張蜻(戶. c. 901) 90n ch 'ang-tiao 長調 (long songs) 的, 71, 72, 74, 86 ch'm哲-tuan chü 長短句 (longshort verse) 33 Chang Yen 張炎 (1248-1320) 79, 80,-90, 91, 97, 99; quality ofhis tz'u 60, 61, 82, 95, 102; Tz'u yüan 詞原 8 Chao Ch'ung-tso 趙崇祥(戶. c. 940) 86n Chao Pu-chih 晃補之 (1053-1110) 47 Chao Tsun-yü.eh 趟尊嶽 (20th cent.) 87n Chao Wan-li 趟萬旦 (20th cent.) 10, 68n, 87n, 95n 'Che te hsin' 搞得新 (tz'u tune) 88 Ch'en Chen-sun 陳振孫 (fl. c. 1234) 91 Ch'en Nai-ch'ien 陳乃乾 100n, 101n Ch'en Shih-tao 陳師道 (1053一 1101) 79 Ch'en Shou-yi (20th cent.) 50n Ch'en Tzu-ang 陳子昂 (656-695) 84 Ch'en Tzu-lung 陳子龍 (1608一 1647) 62, 76 Ch'en Wei-sung 陳維雇 (1626一 1682) 98 Ch'en Yüan-lung 陳元龍 (Sung dyn.) 92n 122 lndex Ch'en Yün-p'ing 陳允平(戶. c. 1247) 60, 82, 92n ch'i 氣 (vital force) 2,43n,58,的, 95 ch'i-chih 氣質 (vital force and substance) 'i2 ch'i-hsiang 氣象 (vital force and imagery) 43-44,的, 52, 59, 102 ch'i-ko 無格 (vital force and form) 74, 81 ch弘的氣體 (vital force and form) 97 Ch'i-tung yeh-yü 齊東野語的,的 Chia Tao 寶島 (793-865) 72n Chia Yi 82n Chiang Ch'un-lin 蔣春霖 (1818一 1868) 98; Shui-yün lou tz'u 水雲 樓詞 74 Ch'叫19 Huan 張煥 (fl. c. 1174) 91 Chiang K'uei 姜要 (1155-1235) 29, 55-56, 59, 68, 95; as a critic 22, 78-79; compared with other poets 52, 58; quality of his tz'u 55, 77, 86, 97, 101, 102; tz'u to the tunes of: ‘An hsiang' 暗香 55; ‘Hsi hung yi' 悟紅灰 54; ‘Nien nu chiao' 念奴嬌紗, 54; ‘Su yi峙,殊影 55; ‘Ts'ui lou yin' 翠樓吟 57 Ch'iang-ts'un ts'ung-s1zu 墮村叢書 38 Chiang Yen 57n Chiao-chu Tao-chün Huang-ti see Tao-chün Huang-ti Chiao fang 教坊 (Music School) 的 Chiao-jan 依然, monk (戶. c. 760) 8n, 25 ‘Ch'iao t'a chih' 鵲踏枝 (tz'u tune) 47, 77 Ch'ieh-chung tz 'u 僅中詞 74 'Chieh yü hua' 解語花 \iz)utune)53 'Chien chia' 兼葭 (Shih ching ode) 49 Ch'ien Chung-shu 錢鐘書 (20th cent.) 4 ch'ih-tzu chih hsin 赤子芝心 (child­ like heart) 17, 18, 46 childlike heart see ch'ih-tzu chih hsin Chin-ch'üan tz'u 金奎詞的 Ch'in Huai-hai see Ch'in Kuan Ch'in Kuan 秦觀 (1049-1101) 15, 48,鈣, 97, 102; compared with otherpoets 51,52, 79, 84,90, 98; quality of his tz'u 53,67,70; tz'u to the tune of ‘Ch'in yüan ch'un' 錦園春的 Ch'm ::'hao-yu see Ch'in Kuan ch的-t'i shih 近律詩 (modern-style verse) 64, 71 Chin Ying-lmei 金應詮(戶. c. 1797) 66n ‘Ch'in y廿 an ch'un' 錦園春 (tz'u tune) 65 ching 景 (scene, scenery) 23, 71, 75. See also hsieh吋hù哲 ; pu ko; scene ching 墳 (poetic state, state) 23-28, 42, ':'Ù, 51, 87, 98. See also yiching ch'ù:哼 f青 (emotion) 23, 30, 57, 71, 75, 70, 88; (feeling(s)) 58,59, 62, 64, 88, 96. See also pu ko chù:哲-c/;的h 境界 (realm) 23-28, 40, 42-43, 50, 53, 59, 62, 72, 73, 74, 80, 90, 91-92 Ch'ù;哼 ming-chia tz 'u 清名家詞 38 Ch'ing-sui ko lun shih 清遠閣論詩 79 ‘Ch'ing yü an' (tz...
