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Bibliography I. GENERAL (WORKS OTHER THAN POETRY OR LITERARY CRITICISM CITED IN TEXT AND NOTES, ARRANGED BY TITLE) Chan-kuo ts全戰國策 (Intrigues of the Warring States). Anon. collection of 3rd cent. B.C. SPPY ed. Ch'i tung yeh-yü 齊東野語 (Tales from Eastern Ch'i), by Chou Mi 周密 (1232-1308). TSCC, vols. 2763-5. Ch'ien Han shu 前漢書 (History of the Former Han dynasty). Comp. by PanKu 班固 (A.D. 32-92). SPPY ed. Chih-chai shu-lu chieh-t'i 直齋書錄解題 (Chih-chai's descriptive catalogue) by Ch'en Chen-sun 陳振孫(戶. c. 1234). TSCC, vols. 44-8. Chih-hsü ko tsa-tsu 致虛閣雜在且 (Odd bits from the Chih-hsü Apartment ). Anon. Sung dyn. work. SF, ch. 31. Chin shu 晉書 (History of the Chin dynasty), ed. under direction of Fang Hsüa任ling 房玄齡 (578-648). SPPYed. Chuang-tzu 莊子 (Book of Master Chuang). Comp. by the followers of Chuang Chou 莊周 (c. 369-c. 286 B.C.). SPPY ed. Fan-yi ming-yi 翻譯名義 (Terms translated), by the monk Fa-yün 法雲. Dictionary of Buddhist terms completed in A.D. 1143. SPTK ed. Hou Han shu 後漢書 (History of the Later Han dynasty), by Fan Yeh 范暉 (398-445). SPPY ed. Hsi hsiang chz' 西廂記 (Romance of the West Chamber), by Wang Shih-fu 王實甫 (Yüan-dyn.). Peking, Tso-chia ch'u-pan she, 1954. Hsüeh chou ts'o-yü 雪丹腔語 (Bits of conversation from the snowy boat), by Shao Kuei-tzu 那桂子(戶. c. 1270). SF, ch. 57. Hui chen chi 會真記 (Encounter with a Pure One), by Yüan Chen 元旗 (779-831). SFa, ch. 115. Hung lou meng 紅樓夢 (Dream of the Red Chamber), by Ts'ao Hsüehch 'in 曹雪芹 (d. 1763). Peking, Tso-chia ch'u-pan she, 1955. jrih chih lu chi-shih 日知錄集釋 (Collected explanations of the Record of daily knowledge), bv Ku Yen-wu 顧炎武 (1613-82); annotated by Huang Ju-ch'eng 黃汝成 (1799-1837). SPPY ed. 106 Bibliography Kao chai man-lu 高齋漫錄 (Rambling record from the High Studio), by Tseng Ts'ao 會隨(戶. c. 1147). Lieh-tzu 列于 (The Book of Master Lieh). Anon. Taoist fragments from 4th and 3rd cent. B.C., put together with new material in 4th cent. A.D. Comp. unknown. SPPY ed. Lo-yang ch'ieh-lan chi 洛陽伽藍記 (Record of Monasteries of Loyang), by Yang Hsüan-chih 楊街之 (d. A.D. 555). SPPY ed. ‘Lun che-hsüeh-chia y垃 mei-shu-chia chih t'ien-chih' 論哲學家與美術 家之天職 (On the duty ofphilosophers and artists), by Wang Kuo-wei. CAWC, 100b-103a. Lun-yü 論語 (Analects of Confucius). Comp. by followers of Confucius (551-479) during 5th cent. B.C. Leg阱, The Chinese classics, vo1. 1 contains text and tr. See also Wal句, The Analects of Confucius. Meng-tzu 孟子 (The book of Mencius). Comp. by fol1owers of Mencius (371-289 B.C.). Legge, The Chinese classics, vo1. II contains text and translation. Nan sh-ih 南史 (Historγof the Southern dynasties), ed. by Li Yen-shou 李延壽 (612 ?-78 月. SPPYed. Pan-han ts'ung-shu 半「叢書 (Pan-han collectanea), ed. by T'an Hsien 譚獻 (1832一1901). Chin-ling shu-chü 金陵書局 ed. of Kuang-hsü period. San-kuo chih 三國志 (History of the Three Kingdoms), by Ch'en Shou 陳壽 (233-97). SPPY ed. Shang shu 尚書 (Shu ching 書經) (Book of history). Legge, The Chinese classics, vo1. III contains text and translation. Shih chi 史記 (Records of the Grand Historian), by Ssu-ma Ch'ien 司馬遷 (145-86? B.C.) and his father, Ssu-ma T'an 司馬談 (180 ?-110). SPPYed. ‘Shu-pen-hua yü Ni-ts'ai' 故本華與尼采 (Schopenhauer and Nietzsche), by Wang Kuo-wei. CAWC, 62a-74a. Shu p'u 書譜 (Handbook for writing), by Sun Kuo-t'ing 孫過庭 (T'ang dyn.). TSCC, vo1. 1622. Shui hu chuan 水滸傳 (Account of the marshes), by Shih Nai-an 施耐巷 (Y位an dyn.). Peking, Tso-chia ch'u-pan she, 1955. Ssu-k'u ch海an shu tsung-mu (t'i-yao) 四庫全書總目提要 (Complete catalogue of all the books in the Four Libraries, annotated). Comp. by Chi Yün 紀昀 (1724-1805) and others in 1782. Shanghai, Tatung shu-chü ed., 1930. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 20:17 GMT) Bibliography 107 ‘明Tang Ching-an hsien-sheng nien-p'u' 王靜安先生年譜(Chronology of Mr Wang Ching-an), by Chao Wan-li 趙萬里 (20th cent.), in Kuo-hsi.助 lun-ts'ung 國學論叢) 1, 3 (April 1928) 81一134. Wu-枷 chiu-shih 武林舊事 (Old tales from Wu-lin), by Chou Mi 周密 1232-1308). CPTCTS ed. Yang-ch'un pai-hsüeh 陽春白雪 (Snow in spring), by Pai p'u 白樸 (1226一?), in Jen Na 任訥, comp., San-ch'ü ts'ung-k'an 散曲叢刊 (Taipei, Taiwan Chung-hua shu-ch位, 1964...
