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Acknowledgements In preparing this book I have incurred innumerable debts and I would like to thank all those who have helped me to bring it to completion. I would lik e to acknowledge al l those who tolerate d th e intrusiveness o f my camer a len s during the five years when I was working on the day-by-day 'photo-diary' project from which this book's images are selected, and al l those who encouraged m e to persevere with this self-imposed task . It would be impossible for m e to thank individually here everyone who has offered m e encouragement with my photography, or with this particular undertaking, but I would nevertheles s like to mention a few people and institutions. Wong Wobik was particularl y supportive in the early days of this project (a s she has been to many other Hong Kong photographers), and Lee Kasing and Holl y Lee offered m e a crucial opportunity t o give my visual-diary project a public airing in their avant garde photography magazin e Dislocation. Ambrica Production s an d PB S Online gave me my first opportunit y t o display images from th e project to an international audience by inviting me to contribute to their handover websit e Hong Kong '97: Lives in Transition. Colin Day of Hong Kong University Press was positive about the idea of turnin g my project into a book from th e first moment he heard abou t it, and played an essential role in advising me on th e most suitable format t o adopt. Along with his colleague Mina Kumar he showed grea t patience as the idea slowl y developed int o its present shape . Certain aspect s of this researc h projec t wer e supporte d b y th e Committee o n Research and Conferenc e Grant s of the University of Hong Kong and by the Hong Kong Research Grants Counci l (in the form o f an Earmarked Gran t for Research, project number HKU 7176/OOH). This book is dedicated t o the memory of my father . ...
