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NOTES CHAPTER i T H E PHYSICA L SETTIN G (pp . 1-12 ) 1 Al l historica l studie s o f th e birt h o f th e Colon y o f Hon g Kon g hav e references t o the pirates in and aroun d the harbour. Specia l emphasis is given by Fox , G. , British Admirals and Chinese Pirates, 1940 . 2 Davis , S . G. , Hong Kong in its Geographical Setting, 1949 , p . 33. 3 Berry , L . an d Ruxton , B . P. , 'Weatherin g o f Granit e an d Associate d Erosional Feature s i n Hon g Kong' , Bulletin of Geological Society of America, 68, 1957 , 1263-92 . 4 Berry , L. , 'Superficia l Deposit s o f the Hong Kon g Harbou r Area' , Hong Kong University Engineering Journal, XXI , 1957 , 38-50 . 5 Davis , S . G . an d Tregear , M. , 'Ma n Ko k Tsui , Lanta u Island , Hong Kong' , Asian Perspectives, 14 , i960 , 183-212 , an d Davis , S . G. , 'Archaeological Discover y i n an d aroun d Hon g Kong' , Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 5 , 1965 , 9-19 . 6 Morgan , F . W. , Ports and Harbours, 1958 , p . 41. 7 Davis , S . G. , Hong Kong, 1949 , p . 119 . 8 Hon g Kon g Roya l Observatory , The Effect of Meteorological Conditions on Tide Height at Hong Kong, b y I . E . M . Watts , 1959 . 9 ibid., p . 28 . 10 Hulse , C , The Local Master's Handbook, i960 . 11 Hong Kon g Roya l Observatory , Hong Kong Typhoons, b y G . S . P . Heywood, 1950 . 12 Hon g Kon g Roya l Observatory , Annual Departmental Report by the Director 1960-1, 1961 . 13 Watts, I . E . M. , Meteorological Conditions, 1959 . 14 Hon g Kon g Roya l Observatory , Surface Pressure Patterns and Weather Around the Year in Hong Kong, b y G . S . P . Heywood , 1953 . 15 Hong Kon g Roya l Observatory , Fogs at Waglan Island and Their Relationship to Fogs in Hong Kong Harbour, b y K . R . Hung , 1951 . 16 ibid., p . 12 . CHAPTER 2 FOUNDATION S O F TH E ENTREP6 T TRAD E (pp . 13-33 ) 1 Colonia l Office , Dispatc h fro m Lor d Derb y t o Si r Henr y Pottinger , No. 8 , 3 June 1843 . 2 Morse , H. B., The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China, 1635-1843, 1929 , Vol. IV , p . 2 . 130 The Port of Hong Kong 3 Th e basi c coi n i n foreig n commerc e a t Canto n durin g thi s perio d wa s the Spanis h dollar , wit h a n intrinsi c valu e o f 4s . 2d . an d a n exchang e valu e ranging fro m 3s . n d . t o 5s . Greenberg , M. , British Trade and the Opening of China 1800-42, 1951 , p. Vii an d p . 139 . 4 Morse , H . B. , Chronicles; Bernard , W . D., Narrative of the Voyages and Services of the Nemesis from 1840 to 1843, 1844 ; Eitel, E. J., Europe in China, 1895. 5 Black , W . T. , 'Sanitar y Stat e o f Hon g Kon g i n 1865* , The Edinburgh Medical Journal, Dec . 1869 . 6 Allen , G . C . an d Donnithorne , A . G. , Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development, 1954 , p . 155 . 7 Roxby , B . M. (ed.) , China Proper, Geographica l Handboo k Series , 1944 , Vol. I , Chapte r 6 , an d Vol . IV , p . 254-7 . 8 Gull , E . M. , British Economic Interests in the Far East, 1943 , p. 19-20 . 9 Endacott , G . B. , A History of Hong Kong, 1958 , p . 10 . 10 Eitel , E . J. , Europe in China, p . 112 . 11 ibid., p. 60 . 12 Foreig n Office , Dispatc h fro m Lor d Palmersto n t o Elliot , No . 1 , 2 1 April 1841 . 13 Braga , J . M . (ed.) , Hong Kong Business Symposium, 1957 , p. 277 . 14 Bernard , W . D. , Nemesis, p . 87 . 15 Hon g Kon g Government , Report on the Blue Book, 1854 . 16 Hon g Kon g Government , Report on the Blue Book, 1855 . 17 Berry , L . an d Ruxton , B . P. , 'Th e Evolutio n o f Hon g Kon g Harbou r Basin', Annals of Geomorphology, vol . 4, fasc . 2 , i960 , p . 97-115 . 18 Although occupie d i n Januar y 1841 , Hong Kon g wa s declare d a Britis h Colony on 2 6 June 1843...
