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Perspectives on Marine Environment Change in Hong Kong and Southern China, 1977-2001 (ed . B. Morton). Proceedings o f a n Internationa l Worksho p Reunio n Conference, Hon g Kon g 21-26 Octobe r 2001. Hong Kong : Hong Kon g University Press , 2003. A REINTERPRETATION O F THE TAXONOM Y AN D ZOOGEOGRAPHY O F PAKISTANAPSEUDES AN D SWIREAPSEUDES (CRUSTACEA : TANAIDACEA) : HON G KONG TAX A IN THE WORL D CONTEX T Roger N . Bambe r Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum , Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5BD, UK and Martin Sheade r School of Ocean & Earth Science , University o f Southampton, Southampto n Oceanography Centre , European Way, Southampton S O 14 3ZH, UK ABSTRACT In 1997 , the apseudomorp h tanaidacea n genu s Swireapseudes Bambe r wa s describe d as a sibling genus to Pakistanapseudes Bacescu, from material discovered in Hong Kong. These tw o gener a wer e considere d t o sho w a constraine d distributio n throug h th e northern Indian Ocean to the South China Sea. Subsequently, further Pakistanapseudes species wer e describe d fro m Hon g Kong , Indonesian an d Brazilia n waters . Two ne w species, on e fro m Malaysi a an d on e fro m th e Brazilia n deep-sea , ar e described . Additional topotypi c materia l o f P. hodgsoni, includin g full y matur e males exhibitin g sexual dimorphis m o f th e chela , previousl y unknow n fo r th e genus , ha s allowe d investigation o f intraspecifi c morphologica l variatio n i n certai n ke y characters . Wit h the increased information resultin g in a blurring of morphological distinctions betwee n the two genera, Swireapseudes i s no longer considered to be a distinct genus. With the discovery of two species of Pakistanapseudes fro m the Atlantic off Brazil, the putative zoogeography i s reinterpreted , i n associatio n tha t o f wit h a third , relate d genus , Saltipedis. 168 R.N. BAMBER & M. SHEADE R INTRODUCTION The genu s Pakistanapseudes wa s originate d b y Bacesc u (1978 ) fo r tw o specie s o f apseudomorph tanaidacean from the northwest Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. The genus was characterized b y particular elongatio n o f pereonites an d pleonites {vide Figure 1) , together wit h a uniqu e mal e antenna l structur e whereb y th e flagella r article s ar e shortened (to significantly wide r than long, those of the female being longer than wide), multiplied (u p to more than twice as many as in the female), an d when mature bearin g numerous aesthetascs {vide Figure 2). Other features noted by Bacescu {ibid.) were low fecundity (th e broodin g femal e o f P. shiinoi bor e onl y 5 eggs), cheliped s 'ver y fine ' and showing no sexual dimorphism {vide Figure 8), poor calcification of the exoskeleton, and pleopods with a 'biarticulate d inne r ramus'. The two specie s wer e the generotype P. leptochelatus fro m th e Gulf o f Oman , a t 23 to 11 0 m on sandy mud, and P. shiinoi fro m withi n the Gulf o f Aden on clean san d at 24 to 51 m. To these Bacescu added Apseudes tenuicorporeus Shiino, 1963, described from th e Sout h Chin a Se a of f Sout h Vietna m i n 9 to 26 m on muddy t o coarse sand ; this specie s showe d simila r elongatio n o f pereonites, although the male was unknow n and, unlik e th e othe r tw o species , A. tenuicorporeus ha d eye s an d th e single-article d pleopod rami normal for apseudomorphs . Bamber (1997 ) describe d Swireapseudes a s a sibling genus , for S. toloensis fro m eastern Hon g Kong , Sout h Chin a Sea , i n 2 t o 3 m o n fin e sand . H e move d A. tenuicorporeus Shin o t o thi s ne w genus . Swireapseudes wa s distinguishe d fro m Pakistanapseudes i n having • eye s (absen t in Pakistanapseudes), • bifurcat e claw s o n th e dactyl i o f pereopod s 2 an d 3 (simpl e claw s i n Pakistanapseudes) • a uniarticulate inner pleopod ramus (biarticulat e in Pakistanapseudes accordin g t o Bacescu, 1978) . The mal...
