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APPENDIX I Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Her Majesty and the Sultan of Borneo, May 2jth, 1847. Her Majest y th e Quee n o f th e Unite d Kingdo m o f Grea t Britain and Ireland being desirous to encourage commerce between Her Majesty's subjects and the subjects of the independent Princes of the Eastern Seas, and to put an end to piracies which have hitherto obstructed that commerce; and His Highness Omar Ali Saifadeen, who sits upon the throne and rules the territories of Borneo, being animated b y correspondin g dispositions , an d bein g desirou s t o co-operate i n an y measure s whic h ma y b e necessar y fo r th e attainment o f th e above-mentione d objects , He r sai d Britanni c Majesty an d th e Sulta n o f Borne o hav e agree d t o recor d thei r determination i n thes e respect s b y a Conventio n containin g th e following Articles:ARTICLE 1 Peace, friendship , an d goo d understandin g shal l fro m hence forward an d fo r eve r subsist between Her Majest y th e Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and His Highness Omar Ali Saifadeen , Sultan of Borneo, and between Their respective heirs and successors , and subjects. ARTICLE 11 The subjects of Her Britannic Majesty shall have full liberty to enter into, reside in, trade with, and pass with their merchandiz e through all parts of the dominions of His Highness the Sultan of Borneo, and they shall enjoy therein all the privileges and advantages with respect to commerce , o r otherwise, which are now or which may hereafter b e granted to the subjects o r citizens of the most favoured nation; and the subjects of His Highness the Sultan of Borneo shall in like manner be at liberty to enter into, reside in, trade with, an d pass with their merchandiz e through al l parts of Her Britanni c Majesty's dominion s in Europe and Asia as freel y as the subjects o f the most favoured nation , and they shall enjo y in those dominions all the privileges and advantages with respect to commerce or otherwise, which are now or which may hereafter be granted therein to the subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation. 206฀ APPENDIX I ARTICLE II I British subject s shal l b e permitted to purchase, rent, o r occupy , or i n an y othe r lega l way to acquire , al l kinds o f propert y withi n the dominion s o f Hi s Highnes s th e Sulta n o f Borneo ; an d Hi s Highness engage s that suc h Britis h subject s shall , a s far a s lies i n his power within his dominions, enjoy full and complete protection and securit y fo r themselve s an d fo r an y property whic h they ma y so acquir e i n future , o r whic h the y ma y hav e acquire d already , before th e dat e o f the presen t Convention . ARTICLE IV No articl e whateve r shal l b e prohibite d fro m bein g importe d into o r exporte d fro m th e territorie s o f Hi s Highnes s th e Sulta n of Borneo; but the trade between the dominions o f Her Britanni c Majesty and the dominions of His Highness shall be perfectly free , and shall be subject only to the customs duties which may hereafte r be i n forc e i n regar d t o suc h trade . ARTICLE v No dut y exceedin g on e dolla r per registere d to n shal l b e levie d on British vessels entering the ports of His Highness the Sultan of Borneo, and this fixed duty of one dollar per ton to be levied on all British vessels shall be in lieu of all other charges or duties whatsoever . His Highness moreover engages that British trade and Britis h goods shall be exempt from an y internal duties , and also from an y injurious regulation s whic h ma y hereafter , fro m whateve r causes , be adopte d i n th e dominion s o f th e Sulta...
