In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

General Inde x Abstracts o f chapters , 25 , 89 , 115 , 153 , 203 , 227 , 283 . Acetabulum, (pelvi c sid e o f hi p joint) , 296 , 298 . Acrobatic activity , 105 , 130 , 132 , 133 , 142 , 187 , 196 , 197 , 206 , 208-210, 213 , 232 , 233 , 308 , 323 , 330 . Acromion, (posterio r proces s o n shoulde r blade) . 324 , 325 . Adductor muscle s o f hip , 296 . Afar, 1 , 97 , 308 , 314 , 331 , 332 . Africa, 3 , 4 , 5 , 110 , 312 , 332 . Aggression, 233-234 . Albumins, 248 , 249 , 252 . Allometry, 171 , 172 . Amino-acid sequencing , 5 , 248 , 252 , 261 . Anhui province , 3 . Ankle joint , 95 , 288 , 289 . Antagonistic muscles , 134 . Arboreal activity , 7 , 97 , 104-107 , 109-112 , 132 , 134 , 135 , 144 , 197, 203-225 , 232 , 233 , 249 , 257 , 311 , 323 , 328-330 . Arches o f foot , 309 , 315 , 316 , 328-330 . Arm, 83 , 208-210, 213 , 215 , 216 , 228 , 243-257 , 271-278 , 280 , 293-295, 309 . Asia, 3 , 4 , 39 . Auricular face t 195 . "Automated electroni c dat a collector" , 41 . Band-shaped, group, 103 . locomotor spectrum , 103-105 , 127 , 130-133 , 206 , 216 , 228 , 230, 231 , 233 , 264 , 283 . structural spectrum , 139-150 , 210 , 211 , 217 , 230 , 264 . Behaviour, general , 7 , aggressive, 233 , 234 . communicative, 3 , 6 , 93 , 101 , 206 . conceptual, 3 , 242 , 332-334 . creative, 332-334 . foraging, 93 . mystical, 332-334 . predator avoidance , 93 . psychological, 242 , 332-334 . sexual, 6 , 92 , 93 , 206 , 239-242 , 332-334 . social, 6 , 93 , 239-242 , 332-334 . tool-making an d too l using , 3 , 6 , 97 , 332-334 . Biomolecular. Se e molecular . Bipedal activity , 3 , 6 - 8 , 81 , 82, 92 , 96 , 98 , 103 , 105 , 109-112 , 136, 187 , 195 , 196 , 233 , 291 , 308 , 334 . Biceps muscl e (flexo r muscl e o f th e arm) , 137 , 295 . Bioorthogonal grids , 67 , 74 , 80 . Blastocyst implantation , 15 , 17 , 260 . Blood groups , 19 , 261 . Brachial index , 156 . Brachialis muscl e (flexo r muscl e o f th e arm) , 137 . Brachiating activity , 104 , 116-118 , 127-130 , 133 , 135-137 , 142, 197 , 203 , 206 , 213 . Brain, 15-17 , 22 , 257 , 258 , 333 . Branch running , activity , 206 , 207 . Burma, 1 , 3 . Burrowing, 13 . Canopy o f th e forest , high, 207-209 . middle, 208 , 209 . low, 208 , 209 . Canonical variate s analysi s o f specifi c anatomica l regions , arm, o f primates , 138-151 , 213-215 , 271-273 , 275 , 309 . arm an d forearm , o f primates , 138-151 , 213-215 , 271-273 , 275, 309 . combination o f al l regiona l analyses , 242-257 . forearm, o f primates , 138-151 , 213-215 , 271-273 , 275 , 309. head, nec k an d trunk , o f primates , 233-235 , 264 . longitudinal measure s o f bod y o f primates , 235—238 . hip o f primates , 76 , 159 , 194-197 , 216 , 219 , 221 , 222 , 269 , 271, 273-275 , 309 . hip an d thig h o f prosimian s only , 161-178 , 261-267 , 271 , 273-275. lower limb , o f primates , 160-195 , 197-201 , 212 , 216 , 220-222, 264 . lower limb , o f prosimian s only , 161-178 , 210 , 212 . metacarpal o f highe r primates , 309 . overall proportions , o f primates , 41 , 242-257 , 262-267 , 271-278. shoulder, o f primates , 74 , 75 , 138-151 , 213 , 214 , 221 , 222 , 269, 271-273 , 275 , 309 . shoulder, ar m an d forear m combined , o f primates, 138-151 , 213, 216 , 217 . talus, o f highe r primates , 75 , 196-197 , 309 . transverse measure s o f bod y o f primates , 228 , 299-301 . teeth, 318 , 319 . upper limb , o f primates , 138-151 , 210 , 211 , 213 , 218 , 222 , 264. upper limb , o f prosimians , 138-151 , 221 . upper an d lowe r limb s combined , o f primates , 229-233 . upper an d lowe r limb s combined , o f prosimians , 262-267 . Central axi s function , 48 , 54 , 72 , 77 . Character, derived, 90 , 107-112 . primitive, 90 , 107-112 . China, 1 , 3 , 4 , 331 , 332 . Chromosome analysis , 5 , 19 , 71 , 252 , 261 . Cinematography, 154 , 155 . Cine-radiography, 96 , 154 , 155 , 205 . Cladistic analysis , 86 , 89 , 107-112 , 261 . Clavicle (colla r bone) , 134 , 309 , 323 , 326 . Claws (an d nails) , 253 , 258 , 268 , 271 . Climbing activity , 7 , 13 , 81 , 98-102 , 106 , 107 , 135 , 136 , 144 , 184, 206 , 233 , 291 , 308 , 310 , 313 , 316 , 323 , 330 . Cluster finding procedures , 38 , 77 . Communication, 3 , 6 , 93 , 101 , 206 . Comparative trend , 11 , 35 , 72-75 . Compression, 103 , 117 , 134 , 137 , 142...
