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CHAPTER 8 Whole Primate s - Thei r Arrangemen t b y Anatomie s Abstract — Introduction - Th e combinatio n o f uppe r an d lowe r limb s The head , nec k an d trun k - Othe r anatomica l combination s All longitudina l measure s — Al l transvers e measure s The appreciatio n o f th e whol e - Human s an d ape s - Ol d Worl d monkey s New Worl d monkey s - A cautionar y not e - Prosimian s Convergence an d th e spectra l tarsie r - Tarsius, th e earlie r view s The moder n consensu s - Recen t challenge s t o th e conventione d vie w Locomotor convergence s i n th e limb s - Studie s o f th e whol e bod y Divergence an d Daubentonia? — Daubentonia , th e earl y confusio n The moder n positio n - Ne w doubts , th e shoulde r an d th e pelvi s New assessment s o f th e structur e o f th e aye-ay e - Th e material s an d method s The results , uppe r lim b analyse s - Th e results , lowe r lim b studie s Analyses o f combination s o f anatomica l region s The implication s o f thes e result s - Conclusion s fo r th e uniquenes s o f Daubentoni a A retur n t o th e entir e Orde r - Functiona l data , taxonomi c resul t Function an d relationship , thre e question s Discordance betwee n morphometri c part s an d whole s Disordance betwee n classica l an d biometri c morphologie s Concordance betwee n molecule s an d morphometrie s The implicatio n fo r fossil s - Summary. Abstract. In the previous chapters we have seen, unequivocally, that the structural arrangements of the primates (base d upon stud y of individual post-crania l anatomica l regions ) concor d mos t strongly with functional arrangement s o f the primates (base d upo n averag e biomechanica l situation s tha t resul t fro m function , mainl y locomotion , i n thos e sam e anatomical parts) . It would hav e been of great interest, therefore, t o have known what arrangements of the primates would come fro m studying the details of all anatomical region s at once. But this larger study is not yet logistically possible and awaits at least a decade's more work. However, an appreciation of the answer can be obtained b y doing the next best thing: that is, b y examinin g combination s o f all majo r bodil y parts . In thi s chapte r w e examin e th e result s o f doing this . First , th e additio n o f all dimension s o f both limb s give s a n arrangement o f th e primate s tha t speak s t o function , bu t i n a wa y rathe r differen t fro m wha t w e hav e previousl y encountered. Second , the addition o f all transverse dimensions also provides a somewhat surprising result, in this case about sexua l dimorphism . But th e thir d ke y investigatio n stem s fro m analyse s i n whic h dimension s fro m al l anatomica l part s ar e adde d together. This is done in two ways. First, the overall proportions of lower limb, upper limb, thorax, abdomen, and head and nec k ar e summate d throug h a tota l morphometri c analysi s o f th e entir e data . Second, separat e morphometri c analyses of more detailed dimensions of individual smaller anatomical parts — shoulder, arm, forearm, uppe r limb as a whole, pelvis , foot , lowe r lim b a s a whole , trun k an d hea d an d nec k — ar e summate d usin g th e high-dimensiona l technique. I n bot h case s simila r result s ar e found . Thes e result s d o no t reflec t function , the y d o mirro r taxonomy . However, thoug h th e concordanc e o f the ne w morphometri c vie w wit h th e curren t morphologica l taxonom y o f th e primates is, in general, close, it...
