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INDEX academies, 59, 60, 94-95, 114, 115, 124-125 administrative areas , 1 , 31, 84 agriculture, 22, 29, 3741, 72-74 Amah Rock, 3 , 116 ancestor worship , 82 ancestral halls, 33 animals, 29 archaeology, 1 9 archers, 53 archery contest , 1 0 assistant magistrates , 31, 51, 65, 87-88 bandits, 32, 106-111 , 117-8, 120, 129 banquets, 13 , 57, 60, 93-94 banyan trees , 39, 95 Baoan County, 79-8 0 Baojia registration, 46,65-66, 75,114,123,124 Barnett, K . M. A, 4, 22 Beidu Monastery, 3, 117 Beijing (Peking), 54-55 biographies, 14-15 , 113-116, 117420, 129 boats, 34, 65, 101-102 books, 10 , 58 boundaries, 81-82 bridges, 10 buildings, 3, 9-10, 30, 72, 87-90, 97-98, 128 burial grounds, 61, 98 cannibalism, 40, 103 Canton, se e Guangzhou Cantonese peopl e (Punti), 28, 31, 34-36 charities, 11,61,97-98 , 12 9 chastity, 118-11 9 Chief of Police, 31, 51, 53 Chongyang, 83, 141 cities, 9, 30, 32, 87-88, 127 City God , 61-62 , 96, 102 civil administration, 50-55 , 86 classes, 75, 141 climate, 29, 126 coastal defence, 26, 30, 63-65, 77-78, 100-102, 106-111, 12 0 coastal evacuation , 26-28 , 41 , 111-113 , 115, 120, 129 Confucius, 62 , 89 County Magistrates, 51-55, 61-62, 96, 114-116 County Yamen , 5 3 crime, 36, 53, 56, 65 crops, 29, 37-39 customs, 82-83 Damao Shan, 30 Danjia peopl e (Tanka) , 22 , 33-34, 45-46, 75, 122-123 Dapeng Battalion, 63-65, 97, 101-102 Dapeng City , 30 , 32 , 55 , 63 , 87 , 88 , 107 , 109-110 Dapeng district, 32 , 51 dating method, 4-5 Deep Bay, 29, 37, 45 Deng family, 23 , 43, 119 Deng Fuxie, 23, 59, 119 , 143 Deng Konglin, 11 7 Deng Wenwei, 12 6 Deputy Magistrates, 32, 51, 52, 87, 99 Ding, 43 DingTangfa, 60,90 , 11 4 Directors of Studies, 51, 52, 57 Dongguan County , 25 , 26-27, 50, 79-80 Dou subdistricts, 31, 84 eclipses, 95-96 edicts, 6, 72-79 education, 51 , 52, 56-61, 83, 124-125 Elliott, Capt. Charles, 1 evacuation, se e coastal evacuatio n examination quotas , 34, 58-59, 94 examinations, 13 , 34, 52, 58-61, 94, 129 ferries, 3, 10, 49 fighting, 12 2 fish, 30 , 45-46 fishing, 33-34 , 45-47 fishponds, 45 fleet, 101-102 floods, 40, 102-106 footbinding, 3 4 fortifications, 63-64 , 86, 100-101 , 120 Fotangmen, 81, 85-86 fruits, 38-39 150 New Peace County Fuyong district , 31 , 51, 53, 87-8 8 gambling, 7 6 gazetteers, 2- 3 (se e als o Xin'an Xianzhi); re vision of , 6 , 71-72 , 12 6 geomancy, 87 , 89 , 14 2 Gods o f Soi l an d Grain , 89-9 0 granaries, 40-41 , 51 , 61, 78, 98-99, 123-12 4 graves, 1 4 Guandi, 89 , 14 2 Guanfu district , 31 , 51, 53, 8 7 Guangzhou (Canton) , 1 , 21, 24, 5 5 Guangzhou Prefecture , 5 1 Guo Podai , 11 1 Gupeng, 46 , 12 3 Hakka people , 28 , 31, 33, 34-36, 58 , 84 , 9 4 Hakka-Punti wars , 3 4 Hall o f Celebrate d Officials , 90 , 113-11 5 Han Yu , 21 , 117 , 14 3 He Zhen , 2 5 historic sites , 116-11 7 history, tabl e o f administrative , 79-8 0 Hoklo people , 33-3 4 Hong Kong , 2 , 2 8 Hong Kon g island , 1 , 3 0 housing, 32-33 , 82 Huang Chenglian , 11 8 incense, 2 7 inheritance, 4 5 irrigation, 39-4 0 islands, 8 1 Japanese pirates , 26 , 5 0 Jin Qizhen , 11 4 Jin Wenmo , 116 , 12 6 Jintian, 23 , 27 jungle, 2 , 2 3 Kowloon, 24 , 2 8 Koxinga, 2 6 Krone, Rev . Mr. , 2 , 53 , 64-6 5 land, 29 , 37 , 41-43, 44-45, 72-73 , 93 landownership, 44-45 , 8 3 languages, 35 , 50 , 52 , 74-7 5 Lantau Island , 22 , 23 , 24, 47, 8 5 law an d order , 56 , 65-66 , 122 , 12 9 Li Kecheng , 89 , 104 , 110 , 115 , 12 4 Li Maocai , 106-10 7 Li Wanrong , 32 , 109-11 0 Liao Jiuwo, 6 0 lineages, 23 , 25, 28, 44, 59 , 82-83 , 85 literary excerpts , 15-16 , 12 9 Liu Chang , 21 , 12 1 Liu Junpei , 117-11 8 Liu Wen , 90 , 11 4 Liu Xiang , 108-10 9 Liu Zhuanghua , 60 , 95 , 12 5 Liying School , 59 , 85, 11 9 local government , 65-6...
