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18 URBAN LAND-USE CHANGES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO VISAKHAPATNAM,的DIA S. Sachi Devi Depαrtment of Geogr,α:phy, Andhr,α Universi紗', lndiα Visakhapatnam, one of the major ports of India, is a rapidly-growing city situated on the East Coast of India. Geographical nodality seems to be a powerful factor in the growth of the town. It is bounded by two hill ranges of the Eastern Ghats - the Kailasa range on the north and Yarada range on the south (Figure 18.1). The Bay ofBengal forms the eastem boundary ofthe town with a coastIine of about nine kilometres in length running northeast to southwest. The westem side is an extensive tidal basin, a major portion of which is being slowly recIaimed. Within the two dominating hill ranges, a vast expanse of lowlands and a number of hillocks provide a rugged appearance to the landscape (See Figure 18.1A and 18.1B). Visakhapatnam is a multi-functional port town as it is the focus ofindustrial, commercial, political, institutional and social activities. If this city has grown from a sleepy fishing village (till the 12th Century A.D.) into a rapidly growing 68" 32。 z q m 伊在 q 80 N 720 [ 840 880 920 96。 12 。 200 200kms 8。 84。 88。 92 0 Figure 18.1 A Location plan of Visakhapatnam, India. 18 URBAN LAND-USE CHANGES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO VISAKHAPATNAM, INDIA S. Sachi Devi Department ofGeography, Andhra University, India Visakhapatnam, one of the major ports of India, is a rapidly-growing city situated on the East Coast of India. Geographical nodality seems to be a powerful factor in the growth of the town. It is bounded by two hill ranges of the Eastern Ghats - the Kailasa range on the north and Yarada range on the south (Figure 18.1). The Bay of Bengal forms the eastern boundary ofthe town with a coastline of about nine kilometres in length running northeast to southwest. The western side is an extensive tidal basin, a major portion of which is being slowly reclaimed. Within the two dominating hill ranges, a vast expanse oflowlands and a number of hillocks provide a rugged appearance to the landscape (See Figure 18.1A and 18.1B). Visakhapatnam is a multi-functional port town as it is the focus ofindustrial, commercial, political, institutional and social activities. If this city has grown from a sleepy fishing village (till the 12th Century AD.) into a rapidly growing B8° 200 0 200kms BAY OF BENGAL 8° 12° 20" 32° 96° 92° 92° 88° MADRAS Gil" ,,0 Figure 18.1A Location plan of Visakhapatnam, India. 214 S. SACHI DEVI BAY OF BENGAL 。 12km 位互 land 啊r 20m above 捌 level Flgure 18.1 B Sketch map 01 Visakhapatnam. industrial port city over a period of time, it is because of its natural situation for a protective harbour and a vast potential for growth. The realization ofthis tremendous growth potential wiU probably transform the city yet again within the next decade or two. After examining the rapid growth of the city during recent past an attempt is made to study the changes in the urban land use. Visakhapatnam, besides being a port town with a modern outer harbour facility, has several major industries to its credit and the construction work on the largest port-based steel plant in Asia has already commenced. It is now undergoing rapid industrialization and urbanization. Its deep-water port is one ofthe principal outIets ofcountry's expanding iron ore exports. It has today grown into an urban agglomeration with a population of over 700 000 and forms an interesting case study for an urban geographer. EVOLUTION OF LAND USE During the present century the town has experienced a vast growth due to modernization. Hence an attempt has been made to trace out the changes in buiIt-up area from 1920 to 1985 (Figure 18.2). Until the end ofthe first quarter of the present century the general growth of the town was slow. The establishment of Andhra University and the construction of the new Civil Hospital now enhanced the importance ofthis area. The opening ofthe harbour in 1933 brought a distinct change in the cultural landscape of the town. In addition to this, the establishment of a shipyard industry in 1941 and a naval 214 S. SACHI DEVI BAY OF BENGAL 2km I rz2] land over 20 m above sea level Figure 18.1 B Sketch map of Visakhapatnam. industrial port city over a period of time, it is because of...
