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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS฀ The author s ar e gratefu l t o th e Roya l Societ y fo r providing a travel grant t o E. Harper t o visit Hong Kon g in March-April 199 4 i n order t o research thi s book. Th e authors ar e also grateful t o past researc h student s o f Th e University o f Hong Kon g for acces s to thei r unpublishe d information, notabl y Ms. A. Proud, Ms. P.C. Cheung an d Mr A.W.Y. Leung, an d t o present students , especially M s T. Clark , M r P.R.J . Collinso n an d M r S . Kaehler . Undergraduate students , to o numerou s t o mentio n individually, throug h participatio n i n cours e project s carried out at the Swire Institute of Marine Scienc e hav e also provide d othe r information . Majo r Genera l Foley , Commander of the British Forces in Hong Kong, is thanked for informatio n o n th e Bokhar a Batter y an d D r Jame s Hayes an d M r Geoffer y Rope r (Roya l Asiati c Society , Hong Kon g Branch ) ar e thanke d fo r informatio n abou t Hok Tsui Village. The author s ar e grateful t o Shell Hon g Kong Ltd . fo r a donatio n t o cove r th e productio n an d publication o f this book. We would als o like to thank D r D.R. Workman , Departmen t o f Eart h Science , th e University of Hong Kong and Dr J.D. Taylor, Departmen t of Zoology, the Natural History Museum, London, for their critical readin g o f the draf t manuscrip t o f this book, an d the Director of Lands for permission to reproduce the cover plate an d Plate s 1,1 1 an d 2 0 i n th e tex t ( © Hong Kon g Government, Licenc e No . 11/95) . Variou s peopl e hav e provided photograph s fo r th e boo k an d eac h o f thes e i s credited in the text and thanked, collectively, here. Finally, the author s ar e als o gratefu l t o M s Meenaksh i Chandiramani, Centre for Media Resources, the University of Hong Kong and the Publisher, Ms B.E. Clarke, Managing Editor, Mr D.W.C. Cheung, and Editor, Mr C. Fosselman, of Hon g Kon g Universit y Pres s fo r thei r advic e an d co operation i n the publication o f this book . ...
