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Chapter One i i The Chinese Community in the Philippines at the Outbreak of the Pacific War mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmm The Secon d Worl d Wa r wa s extende d t o th e Pacifi c regio n with th e Japanes e assaul t o n Pear l Harbor , Hawai i o n De cember 8 , 194 1 (Decembe r 7 eas t o f th e Internationa l Dat e Line), which cause d heavy losse s to the American nava l force i n the Pacific . Wit h th e roa d cleared , th e Japanes e proceede d t o conquer mainlan d an d maritime Southeas t Asia, and to establis h the so-called "Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere." A numbe r of important citie s fell one afte r another : Hon g Kong on Decem ber 25 , 1941 ; Manil a o n Januar y 2 , 1942 ; Kual a Lumpu r o n January 11 ; Singapore o n Februar y 15 ; Batavia o n Marc h 6 ; an d Rangoon o n Marc h 8 . Within a few months , mos t o f the regio n was i n Japanes e hands . 2 The Huaqiao Warriors ••• • The Japanes e attac k o f th e Philippine s starte d abou t fou r hours afte r th e assaul t o n Pear l Harbor . Mos t o f th e America n air force s o n th e groun d a t Clar k Fiel d i n th e Philippine s wer e destroyed; th e destructio n o f th e nava l bas e a t Cavit e followe d on December 11 . On Decembe r 22 , some 43,000 Japanese lande d at Lingayen. 1 A t almos t th e sam e tim e ther e wer e landing s a t Lamon Bay . Then tw o Japanese force s wer e convergin g o n Ma nila fro m th e nort h an d th e south . O n Decembe r 26 , 1941 , General Dougla s MacArthur , th e Commandin g Genera l o f United State s Arm y Force s i n th e Fa r East,2 declare d Manil a a n open city . MacArthur' s headquarter s wa s move d t o Corregidor , an islan d opposit e th e Bataa n Peninsula , togethe r wit h th e Fili pino -American army . Presiden t Manue l Quezon , Vic e Presiden t Sergio Osmena , th e U.S . Hig h Commissione r Franci s B . Sayr e and thei r familie s al l evacuated t o Corregidor. Manil a wa s occu pied o n Januar y 2 , 1942 , bu t resistanc e agains t th e Japanes e continued i n Bataa n an d Corregido r unti l Apri l 9 an d Ma y 6 , 1942 respectively, when th e tw o places fell. B y then MacArthur , Sayre an d Quezo n ha d lef t fo r Australia . Thi s starte d a n inter regnum o f Japanese occupatio n i n th e Philippines , whic h laste d for abou t three-and-a-hal f years . The America n counter-attac k wa s no t effecte d unti l lat e 1944, wit h th e landin g o f th e U.S . troop s togethe r wit h MacArthur an d Sergi o Osmen a o n Leyt e o n Octobe r 20 , 1944. 3 Then o n Januar y 8 an d 9 , 1945 , th e American s lande d o n Lingayen an d the y entered Manil a o n February 3, 1945 . General Yamashita, th e commande r o f the Japanese force s i n th e islands , withdrew to Baguio. The recovery of Manila was followed by campaigns t o "mop-up " remnants o f the Japanese troop s al l over th e islands, and peace was not completely restored i n the Philippine s until th e unconditiona l surrende r o f Japan o n Augus t 15 , 1945. The Japanes e occupatio n arouse d differen t response s amon g the indigenou s people s i n Southeast Asia , rangin g fro m collabo ration wit h th e Japanes e t o die-har d resistanc e agains t them . Similarly, th e oversea...
