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Notes Introduction 1 T u Wei-min g ha s convincingl y refute d thi s assumption . H e envision s th e Confucian individua l sel f a s " a serie s o f constantl y expandin g concentri c circles," "a n ope n system, " an d " a dynami c process " tha t reac h ou t t o th e external huma n worl d an d t o the entir e cosmos . See Tu 1985 , p. 133 ; Roger T. Ames , e t al. , 1994 , pp. 180-3 . 2 Usin g a section separate from th e main body of the text a s a way of insertin g authorial self-accoun t was practice d i n th e Wes t a s well. Se e Geor g Misc h pp. 307-25 . 3 A complet e translation of the biographies included in Liu Xiang's compilatio n is found i n Albert R . O'Hara , 1971 . 4 Recen t scholarship has examined how laudatory accounts of women's lives in some of the histories served social functions. Se e Katherine Carlitz and T'ie n Ju-k'ang. 5 Se e Gu i Youguang , pp. 267-8 . 6 Se e W u Meicun , pp . 1014-7 . 7 Se e Zhan g Xuecheng , pp . 56-8 . 8 Allegedl y writte n aroun d 1809 , a n incomplet e versio n o f th e boo k wa s firs t published i n 1870 . The Worl d Boo k Company claime d t o have publishe d i t in it s entirety i n th e 1930s . It i s an accoun t o f the joy s and sorrow s i n She n Fu's romantic and artistic life with his wife. Leonard Pratt and Chiang Su-hu i observe that, instea d of writing chronologically, Shen "takes particular topic s and follow s the m eac h throug h hi s life , on e a t a time ... " They describ e hi s six separate narratives a s "layers" that She n maps onto his "floating life. " See Introduction t o She n Fu , p. 14 . 9 L u Yin' s autobiograph y narrate s th e abus e th e subjec t suffer s a s a child an d her growt h an d achievemen t a s a writer . 10 Autobiography of A Female Soldier tells the story of the young Bingying's pursuit of education , struggl e agains t foot-bindin g an d arrange d marriage , an d 204 • NOTE S TO PAGES 9-13 experience i n the Nationalist army. It was first translated into English by Adet Lin an d Anor Li n a s Girl Rebel: The Autobiography ofHsieh Pingying in 1940 . Tsui Chi' s version , Autobiography of a Chinese Girl, cam e ou t i n 1943 . Th e most recent translation i s A Woman Soldier s Own Story: The Autobiography of Xie Bingying by Lily Chia Brissma n an d Barr y Brissma n publishe d i n 2001. 11 M; y Tragic Life focuse s o n th e subject' s battl e t o surviv e a destructiv e relationship an d sexuall y transmitte d diseas e whil e tryin g t o pursu e a caree r in literature . 12M3 1 Life includes sixteen previously published autobiographical narratives tha t remember th e youn g Su Xuelin's childhood, pat h t o education, achievemen t as a writer an d literar y scholar , an d politica l antagonis m wit h communism . 13 Ninety-Four Years devotes a chapter t o th e subject' s famil y genealog y wit h a focus o n he r mothe r an d narrate s a t great lengt h he r researc h o n Q u Yuan' s poetry, whil e replayin g man y o f the theme s treate d i n M;y Life. 14 Autobiography of a Chinese Young Girl concentrates o n th e subject' s pursuit of education from childhoo d t o her departure for the United State s as a student. 15 Encourage d b y Virgini a Woolf , Ancient Melodies present s th e delight s an d difficulties o f growin g u p i n a n upper-clas s extende d famil y i n Beijin g wit h her father' s wives , children...
