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List ofTables 1. A comparison of measured frequencíes of a set of three Shãng stones, chimes with frequencíes determined from theoretical considerations. 38 2. Names and measurements of the unearthed Chií 楚 pitch, pipes. 44 3. A comparison of the intervallic structures of the Lu, Shì Chün, Qiü (> chromatic scales in the twelve pitches (keys) with the natural (just) intonation. 51 4. Measured Frequencíes of the Zhè峙,μ 正鼓 andC台'gU 側鼓 Notes of the Marquis Yr Niu, Bells in the T, 2 and T, 3 Groups. 54 5. The progression of harmonié. intervals of the chromatic scales generated by the use of the exact major, third 4β and minor, sixth 5/8 ratios for the jué 角 and zeng 曾 intervals. 60 6. A comparison of the intervallic structures of the Pythagorean scale ('Ionian'mode) with heptatonic scales embedded in the chromatic scales generated in the La, Shì Chün, Qiü. 81 7. A comparison of the Greek scale in the ‘lonian' mode with heptatonic scales obtained in accordance with the S飢,Pen Sun,Yì 三分損益 method based on the up, and, down princíple. 83 8. A comparison of the lengths of a set of twelve pitch, pipes with the length calculated based on the intervals of the s缸,前,là 十二律 given in the Shr,}ì 史記 of c.,90. 92 9. A study of the diameters of a set of twelve pitch, pipes calculated based on the length corrections and the intervals of the shí, èr, lû given in the Shz, }ì of c.,90. 95 10. An analysis of the intervals in the chromatic scales of the La, Shì Chün, Qiü generated in accordance with the up, and, down princíple. 102 XVl1l Eαrly Chinese Work in Natural Science 11. The Chinese ‘7, 19' Intercalation Procedure. 12. Table of the 28χiù 宿 and their determinative stars. 13. Separation in degrees between the χi泣,determinative 111 115 stars. 117 14. The xiù, determinatives used in the Chinese 28, xiù system within 100 of the celestial equator at different dates. 163 15. Stars and planets of Ea, Anu, and Enlil. 166 16. The Babylonian 弓,8' intercalation procedure. 177 17. The Babylonian ‘7, 19' intercalation procedure. 178 ...
