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Preface฀ Chinese i s on e o f th e oldes t an d th e mos t widel y use d language s i n th e world. The unique properties of the Chinese writing system, its phonology, morphology an d semantics are critical to an understanding of the universal as well as culturally specific aspects of language processing. Research int o Chinese ha s fundamenta l significanc e fo r developin g genera l theorie s o f language processin g throug h th e exploration o f the cognitiv e an d neura l mechanisms underlyin g Chines e reading , writing an d speech . The last two decades have witnessed a growing interest in the scientifi c study o f Chines e fro m th e perspective s o f psychology , linguistics , neuroscience, compute r scienc e an d speec h an d hearin g science . Greate r interdisciplinary endeavour s ar e neede d fro m thes e an d allie d discipline s to foster futur e researc h into the development for methods and technolog y for language learning and communication. To date, the University of Hon g Kong ha s playe d a n instrumenta l rol e i n thi s researc h a s wel l a s i n promoting academi c activitie s i n this emergin g field . As a concret e ste p take n t o foste r futur e researc h effort s amon g scholars within th e university a s well as across academi c institutions, th e University of Hong Kong and the Chinese Academy of Sciences established in 199 7 th e HKU-CA S Chines e Language-Cognitiv e Scienc e Researc h Centres a s a join t ventur e dedicate d t o thi s cause . The actua l operatio n of thes e centre s ha s bee n carrie d ou t throug h th e Beijin g Laborator y o f Cognitive Scienc e i n Beijin g an d th e Departmen t o f Psycholog y o f th e University o f Hon g Kon g i n Hong Kong . X฀PREFAC E฀ The inaugura l functio n o f th e Join t HKU-CA S Chines e Language Cognitive Scienc e Researc h Centre s wa s th e organizatio n o f th e International Symposiu m on Cognitive Processes of the Chinese Language, held fro m Augus t 2 9 t o Septembe r 2,199 7 i n Hong Kon g and sponsore d by the University of Hong Kong. 'A n Advanced Study Institute: Advances in Theoretical Issues and Cognitiv e Neuroscience Research of the Chines e Language', a conferenc e sponsore d b y th e Crouche r Foundation , Hon g Kong, followe d thi s academi c activit y an d wa s hel d i n Hon g Kon g an d Beijing from Novembe r 2 3 to December 2,1998. The former even t place d its primary focus o n various cognitive issues while the latter concentrate d on neuroscienc e perspective s o f Chines e languag e processing . Bot h conferences wer e highl y successfu l an d yielde d a larg e numbe r o f high quality presentations. A representative selectio n of these papers forms th e basis o f thi s edite d volume . The publicatio n o f thi s boo k ha s benefite d fro m th e generou s sponsorship o f Universit y o f Hon g Kon g an d th e Crouche r Foundation , Hong Kong . Th e Departmen t o f Psycholog y o f th e Universit y o f Hon g Kong provided needed logistics and staff suppor t durin g both conferences . The Crouche r Foundatio n als o provided fund s t o finance th e preparatio n of thi s edite d volume . W e gratefull y acknowledg e th e sustaine d suppor t of Anthon y Tsui , Director o f th e Crouche r Foundation . The preparatio n o f thi s volum e wa s facilitate d b y a conscientiou s reviewer wh o mad e critica l an d constructiv e comment s an d suggestions , which have been adopted broadl y in the final selectio n of the papers. Th e untiring suppor t...
