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Acknowledgements My thanks ar e du e t o man y people wh o helpe d m e i n th e cours e o f writin g this book, an d I would especiall y like to acknowledge th e assistanc e give n t o me b y Liu Daoyi , Tang Jun, Li u Jinfang, Yin g Manrong , We i Guodon g an d staff a t th e People' s Educatio n Pres s i n Beijing , wh o wer e exceptionall y generous wit h thei r tim e an d facilitate d thi s stud y i n man y ways , includin g allowing m e t o incorporat e extract s fro m thei r Englis h languag e textbooks . Bonnie Zhan g Wenxi a helpe d wit h translatio n wor k an d a rang e o f tediou s chores with skill , efficiency an d goo d humour ; whil e (i n alphabetica l order ) Kingsley Bolton , Davi d Bunton , Jo Carr , Angu s Chen g Yeun g Chuen , Gre g Fairbrother, Nevill e Grant, Pete r G u Yongqi, Gu Yueguo, Ko Po Yuk, Winnie Auyeung Lai , John Le e Ch i Kin , Le e Win g On , Julian Leun g Ya t Ming, Jo Lewkowicz, Philip Stimpson, Anthony Sweeting, Elizabeth Walker, Ye Yuankai and Ange l Y u La i Kin g al l rendere d valuabl e assistance . Tw o anonymou s reviewers also provided detailed and constructive comments on a draft o f this book. I n particular , I owe tremendous debt s of gratitude t o Paul Morris , fo r his sharp insights and constant encouragement; an d t o Annie Tong and Jack and Kathlee n Adamson fo r thei r unflagging support . I a m gratefu l t o th e variou s publisher s fo r permissio n t o reproduc e material fro m m y papers tha t had bee n publishe d i n thei r journals. Chapte r 2 draw s upon 'Barbaria n a s Foreign Language : Englis h i n China' s Schools' , World Englishes 21(2) (Jul y 2002) publishe d b y Blackwell Publishing; part s o f Chapter 7 appeared i n 'Englis h wit h Chines e Characteristics : China' s Ne w Curriculum', Asia PacificJournal of Education21 (2) (Septembe r 2001) publishe d by the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University and Oxford Universit y Press; and severa l chapters dra w on dat a tha t appeare d i n 'Constructing a n Officia l Englis h for China , 1949-2000 ' (co-writte n with Or a Kwo), Asia Pacific Journalof Communication 12(1) (Jul y 2002), published by John Benjamins Publishin g Co. ...
