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CHINESE ORGANIZATION S AN D ETHNI C IDENTIT Y IN TH E PHILIPPINE S Chinben See INTRODUCTION Chinese organization s ar e forme d b y immigrant s t o fulfi l differen t socia l functions a s well as to cope with problems posed by their new environment . The emergenc e o f various type s o f Chinese organization s i n the Philippine s and th e proliferatio n o f these association s i n th e post-wa r year s t o for m a national networ k clearl y reflec t th e need s an d crise s th e immigrant s encountered a t differen t stage s of the development of the Philippine Chines e community. Th e interlockin g organization s seemingl y fi t wha t Crissma n called a Segmentar y structure ' bu t Wickber g wa s righ t t o argu e tha t th e development o f differen t type s o f Chines e organization s depend s mor e o n other factor s an d no t merel y o n functio n an d communit y size. 1 Th e proliferation o f Chinese association s i s partly du e t o competition fo r powe r and prestig e amon g communit y leaders . More important , however , ar e th e social an d politica l factor s whic h dictate d th e mod e o f ethnic relation s an d accommodation an d whic h permitte d certai n type s o f organization s t o prevail. The oldes t Chines e organization s ar e th e brotherhoo d associations , although secre t societie s neve r seeme d t o b e importan t i n Philippin e Chinese history . Thei r powe r decline d rathe r earl y despit e th e commo n belief that they provided the power base for the Capitan Chino. O n the othe r hand, th e homogeneou s origi n o f Chines e migrant s render s th e regiona l and speec h groups meaningless excep t for th e Cantones e minority . Instead , clan association s emerge d a s on e o f th e mos t prominen t kin d o f organizations whil e tongxianghui wer e forme d o n th e basi s o f souther n Fujian village s an d becam e th e hometow n associations . Th e formatio n o f the hometow n association s wa s du e to th e fac t tha t Chines e wer e forced t o keep thei r familie s a t hom e i n Chin a becaus e o f th e rigi d America n immigration policy . Risin g Filipin o nationalis m afte r Independenc e stirred u p a stron g wav e o f anti-Chines e sentimen t an d legislatio n wa s enacted t o curtai l Chines e economi c activities . An d yet , th e anti communist stan d o f the Philippine Republic not only tolerated the continue d operation o f th e Guomindan g part y machinery , bu t als o allowe d th e perpetuation o f Chines e nationalis m despit e fou r decade s o f 'cultura l isolation' afte r tie s wit h Chin a wer e cu t b y th e Pacifi c war . A t th e sam e time, citizenshi p law s deprive d th e Philippin e Chines e o f th e chanc e t o 320฀ CHINBEN SE E acquire a Filipin o identity . Chines e identit y thu s remaine d stron g enoug h to arous e enthusias m fo r th e 'homeland ' agai n whe n contac t wit h Chin a was resume d i n th e seventies . A grou p o f pro-Beijin g organization s immediately ros e t o challeng e th e Nationalis t establishment s an d pushe d the Chinese community further int o the quagmir e o f China politics . TYPES O F CHINES E ORGANIZATION S The histor y o f an overal l Chines e organizatio n t o represent communit y interest started with the Gremio de Chino. I t was organized by the Spaniard...
