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CREATION O F A SINGAPOREA N IDENTIT Y AMON G THE CHINESE : THE PRE-PA P PHASE , 194 5 — 1959 Yong Ching-Fat t ABSTRACT This pape r examine s thre e majo r historica l factor s fo r th e creatio n o f a Singaporean identit y a s a post-WWI I phenomeno n amon g th e Chines e generally an d th e hua-ch'iao particularly . First , Britis h measures , bot h 'repressive' an d 'constructive' , agains t th e hua-ch'iao communit y lai d th e groundwork fo r th e creatio n o f a loca l politica l consciousnes s amon g th e hua-ch'iao. I n thei r fight agains t th e Malaya n Communis t Part y an d Communism an d i n th e proces s o f decolonization , th e Britis h too k ster n 'repressive' measure s whic h include d mas s deportatio n o f left-win g o r Communist 'suspects ' t o China , th e outlawin g o f th e MC P (1948) , th e Guomindang (1949 ) an d th e Chin a Democrati c Leagu e (1949) , an d th e banning of such organ s of the left-wing Chines e press as the Nan Chiau Jit Pao (1950 ) o f Singapore an d Hsien Tai Jih Pao (1950 ) of Penang. I n thei r design t o wi n ove r th e English-educate d secto r o f Singapore's population , the Britis h promote d suc h 'constructive ' measures , including th e foundin g of the Universit y o f Malaya i n Singapor e i n 194 9 and th e gradua l grantin g of constitutional concession s t o th e peopl e o f Singapore durin g th e 1950s . These measure s o f political contro l ha d th e effec t o f weakening th e China oriented hua-ch'iao communit y i n genera l an d it s leadershi p i n particular. Mor e importantly , the y prompte d th e younge r generatio n o f moderate hua-ch'iao leaders , notably from th e Singapor e Chines e Chambe r of Commerce, to adjust an d adapt and to fend for themselves . Secondly, i n th e mids t o f decolonization an d th e Communis t takeove r in Chin a in 1949, it was patently clea r to the moderate an d pragmati c huach 'iao leaders , includin g Le e Kong-chian , N g Aik-huan , Ta n Lark-sye , Ko Teck-ki n an d Lie n Ying-chow , t o deman d politica l an d citizenshi p rights fo r th e hua-ch'iao i n orde r t o preserv e thei r veste d communa l interests. Thei r demand s too k th e for m o f petitions, publi c rallie s an d th e founding o f a Singapore-oriente d politica l party , th e Democrati c Part y (1955) fo r propagatin g an d promotin g thei r politica l cause . A s thei r communal interest s i n politica l an d educationa l power s wer e essentiall y local politica l issues , the y fough t fo r the m a s 'Singaporeans' , entitle d t o a place i n th e sun . B y subtl y transformin g communa l issue s int o nationa l political issues, these leader s had littl e choic e but to identify themselve s a s 'Singaporeans'. 210 YONG CHING-FAT T Finally, th e historica l roots , built u p sinc e th e pre-WWI I years , whic h include th e foundin g an d operatio n o f Chines e hui-kuans (territoria l associations), cla n associations , socia l clubs , guild s an d th e Singapor e Chinese Chambe r o f Commerce , Chines e educationa l organization s (numerous school s dating back to 1849), cultural bodies (such as the Strait s Confucian Association ) an d economi c root s (suc h a s commercia l an d financial enterprises) , mad e thei r menta l an d politica l transitio n t o a Singaporean identit y comparativel y smoot h an d easy . B y...
