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THE EMERGENC E O F SINGAPORE NATIONALISM William E . Willmot t ABSTRACT Most theorie s o f nationalism, whethe r Marxis t o r non-Marxist , describ e i t as an ideologica l phenomeno n tha t ha d it s origin s i n th e emergenc e o f th e bourgeoisie i n western Europ e over the pas t three centuries . These theorie s ignore th e crucia l importanc e o f collectiv e sentimen t i n an y analysi s o f nationalism an d ar e therefor e somewha t limite d i n thei r applicatio n t o Asian nationalisms . Recognitio n o f collective sentimen t a s th e ke y aspec t of nationalis m allow s u s t o conceiv e o f moder n Asia n nationalism s a s contemporary manifestation s o f nationa l sentiment s wit h lon g historica l roots, for i t free s u s from th e notio n tha t nationalis m wa s a n aspec t o f th e European ideolog y brought to Asia by the colonialists . Nations, like al l larg e communities , requir e symboli c representation s toward whic h th e member s fee l positiv e affect . Nation s ar e distinguishe d from othe r communitie s b y th e fac t tha t the y involv e a state , eithe r a s a political expressio n o f the natio n o r a s a n outsid e threa t t o it s autonomy . Nations als o manifes t a socia l structur e i n whic h th e symbol s ar e expressed. An y stud y o f nationalis m require s attentio n t o thes e thre e aspects: sentiment, symbols , and politica l structure . In mos t Southeas t Asia n countries , nationalis t sentimen t develope d around politicall y significan t symbol s an d late r provide d th e basi s fo r a n independent stat e (usuall y throug h a nationa l liberatio n struggle) . I n Singapore, however , th e proces s ha s bee n th e reverse : independenc e occurred i n th e absenc e o f national sentimen t an d withou t an y symbol s o f national identity . Throug h circumstance s an d stat e policies , nationa l sentiment ha s emerged , an d th e symbol s o f nationa l identit y ar e no w developing. Becaus e th e Chines e compris e three-quarters o f the population , the relationship between th e new national identit y an d Chines e ethnicit y i s therefore th e mos t problemati c aspec t o f thi s process , an d researc h wil l therefore provid e usefu l insight s int o both th e natur e o f Chinese ethnicit y and th e phenomen a o f nationalism . ...
