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General Editor's Foreword Times are changing for professional education as for all else in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Society of Accountants has recognized the need to bring its educational demands horne to Hong Kong and forward to the present day. All the law parts of the professional examinations will now require the student to know the law in Hong Kong rather than England. Before the Society could make those changes it had to be confident that students had appropriate textbooks from which to study Hong Kong law, and so it asked the members of an advisory committee on law studies, who represented institutions teaching accountancy students, to write introductory monographs. There will be five: on cheques, contracts, goods and professional liability as well as this one on business associations. Their purpose is primarily to help students taking the professional accountancy examinations but we, the authors, hope that they will be of more general use as introductions to parts of the law which people in Hong Kong would like to know more about. Derek Roebuck July 1991 ...
