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Introduction: Living With The Environment In An Urban Context Wong Wah Sang I INTRODUCTIO N Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution assumed nature's development throug h a process of natural selection , whereby stronger animals eat weaker animal s and onl y the fittest coul d survive. A modern societ y like Hong Kong would agree to this principle as we witness people supplanting eac h other. There is keen competition all around. And the reward is materialistic wealth for a few successful people . However, a society does not belong to a few people but to all who live in it and contribute to it. The Theory of Evolution ignored the aspect of mutual cooperation amon g living things to maintain a liveable Earth in equilibrium and harmony . Fo r instance, the composition o f air in the atmosphere has remained constan t throughout hundreds of years despite the Earth being an open system. At every moment, energy enters and leaves the Earth. To insulate 2 I W.S . Wong Earth's mas s i s not a n eas y job fo r th e atmosphere . Living things al l wor k together to create a balance in the environment. The stable salt content in the composition o f sea water is yet anothe r example. A stable condition impart s comfort an d health for living things. Any deviation will lead to instability and eventually the extinction o f certain species. Now, the importance o f biodiversity is recognized a s performing a vital role in the functioning o f ecosystems. To allow for biodiversity, the strategy of shielding al l genes , specie s an d ecosystem s fro m huma n influenc e i s no t practical. Instead, an approach is required to look at the planning of the entire ecosystem fo r controlled , environmentall y dynami c policies s o as to affor d positive adaptation with minimum adverse impacts on biodiversity. This method of maintaining harmon y betwee n huma n being s an d th e environmen t ca n also be applied in the urban context . I PROBLEM S O F THE URBAN ENVIRONMEN T More than hal f o f the world's populatio n no w liv e in urban areas , an d b y 2020, the projected leve l is 60°/o. This implies that the urban environmen t i s becoming increasingly important i n a global context. To generate economi c activities, cities consume a lot of natural resources while creating and leaving behind a lot o f waste an d pollution . Citie s have becom e a major caus e o f degradation of the environment. Urban dwellers are living in generally healthier spaces wit h highe r incomes , but a t th e expens e o f the rura l environment . Human pursuits and efforts i n certain economic and social developments have upset the balance of the natural ecology . Cities consume natura l resource s an d produce waste insid e and outsid e the cit y boundaries. The environmental problem s generate d b y citie s rang e from thos e o n a household level , a building level, a city level to those o n a global level. The impact of these problems produces effects o n human health , economies and ecosystems . Specific urba n problem s vary an d depen d o n a city's size , population , growth, topography, climate and government. Threats to human health include those fro m drinkin g water an d sanitation , waste water disposal , indoor an d urban ai r pollution, a s well a s solid an d hazardou s wastes. For large cities , environmental management is often complicated . Income level is also a facto r in the creation of environmental problems. Combined with the natural feature s of a city an d it s surroundings, th e typ e o f environmental problem s ca n b e [] Project MUSE (2024-04-20 13:05 GMT) Introduction: Living With The Environment I n An Urban Contex t I 3 predicted. Fo r example , ai r pollution increase s wit h a n increas e i n incom e level due to higher levels of car use, industrial production and fuel consumptio n associated with wealthier cities. High energy consumption is a common phenomenon associated with cities. Studies have revealed that global energy use will rise considerably in coming...
