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ILLUSTRATION CREDITS Map of China, Changjiang Rive r Delta an d Pearl River Delt a were drawn by Raymond Pit Hang Chan. Color plates 1 , 2, 5, 14, 26, shot by Raymond W. M. Wong. Chapter 1 titl e picture, from Forbidden City, China Antiquities Press, 1997. Figure 1.1 , Selected Architectural Works of Tongji University, Heilonjiang Scienc e and Technology Press, 1999. Figures 1. 6 (a), (b), 2.1 (b), (c), (d), (e), Figures 2.4 (a), (b), 2.6 (b), 2.7, 2.8, 2.9(a), 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, Figures 6.1 , 6.3, 6.4(b), 6.8, 6.9, 1.6, China Modern Fine Arts Selection —Architectural Arts, Vol. 2, 3, 4, China Architecture and Building Press, 1998. Figure 2.1 (f), Li Hui, Liang Sicheng, Joint Publication, Hong Kong, 2003. Figure 2.10,5.3, Chapter 2 title picture, color plates 6,7, courtesy of Zhang Jinqiu. Figures 2.15 (e), 4.11, 4.21 Time + Architecture, No. 3, 2002. Figure 3.1, photo by Chen Xiaoyang. Figures 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.9, 3.13, Jia Dongdong (ed.), Joint Venture Design in China, China Architecture and Building Press, 1998; 3.8(a), photo by Shi Wei. Figure 3.16(a), (c), (d), World Architecture, Feb. 2000. Figure 3.17 , courtes y o f OMA ; 3.1 8 (a) , courtesy o f Zha o Xiaojun, the others are from Architectural Journal, No.5, 2003. Figure 3.22(c), 3.23(c),, Nov. 2003. Figure 3.23 (b), website of Pei Architects, 2002. Figure 4.1 , 5. 1 (b) , Pa n Gux i (ed.) , History of Chinese Architecture, China Architecture and Building Press, 1997. Figures 4.2 , 4.3, adapted fro m Ga o Yilan & Wang Menghui , Liang Si-cheng' s proposa l o f protectio n o f ancien t cit y an d planning, Collection of Research on Liang Si-cheng 1946-1996, Tsinghua University Press, 1996. Figure 4.4, m Figures 4.5 , 4.6 : " http:/ / Figure 4.12, Chen Chongzhou & Zhang Ming, History of Modern Shanghai Architecture, Joint Publication, Shanghai, 1988. Figure 4.15, Shanghai Institute of Surveying, The Pudong New District of Shanghai, China Map Study & Press, 1996. Figure 4.16(b) from the pamphlet of Pudong District government, Shanghai, 1996. Figure 4.2 0 adapte d fro m Zhan g Shaoliang , Exploratio n o f Optimizing Shanghai Urban Space, Urban Planning Forum, No. 2,2001. Figure 4.24 adapted from the planning pamphlet of Nansha Town government, 2003. Figure 4.21, Dong Jianhong, Ancient City Construction of China, China Building Industry Press, 1988; Figures 5.4,5.5, shot from the planning exhibition of Shenzhen. Illustration Credits 19 7 Map ()f China. Changjiang River lftltll and Pearl River Delta were drawn by Raymond Pit H,mg Chan. Colm plale~ 1,2.5,14.26. shot by R~ymolld W. M. Wong. ChUl'lCf I litle piclUr~'. from rVrbMdli/1 Cir,\'. China Amiquilicli Press. 1997. f'ig.urc I.J. Se/t'w:d Archi'f/.tumJ Work.\' of'TiIll#' U'lil·ersily. HeilnOjiang Science llndTedmolog')' Press. 1999. Figllfe~ 1.6 (a). l/)}. 2.1 (tH. Ie). HI), fel, F'i£ures 2.4 (j). (hi. 2.6 Ib). 2.], 2.8. 1.9(lll. .2.12. ~.13, 1.14, Fi£urcs 6.1. 6.1. 6Alb). fl_S, /'1.11. 1_6, China MnJt'r/l Fi/l~' II l't,1 Sr.leolmr - Archi"!ClUml Am, vhL 1-. J. --I. China Archilc\:!Ufi' and Building Press. 19911. f'igUj'(: 2.1 (I). U Hui. l.Jmlg Sic/I.'lig, JOillt ruh-liclliioll. Hong KI)ng.l0C13. Figutel.IO. 5.3, Chaplef:2 lillc pictu!"C. colof plates6, 7.eourt<'sy of Zhong Jimliu, Fi£ures'2.I.'i (e), 4.11. 4.21 Timl' 4- Arr:M/('CllIre, No. J. 200.2. Figure 3.1, phOIO b)' Chen Xi:lOYllng. Figufe's-:\.3. J.5, 3.6. 3.\}. 3, 13, Jill Dnngdong led.). Jolm VellUm' DI'.\·i;:rr ill ClJin«. Clllnll Architc(;1Ure und Building. PrC.)"S. 1998~ 3.8{a), pho\() by Shi \V~i. Fi£.urt: 3.I6I.a), tct. lJ), \\~Jrlll Arelli/dfllff, Feb 2iJ()(), Figufe 3,17. courtesy M OMA: J.IS (ll). courtesy (If Zhall XiilOJUO. the OIhcn.:ire from AfI.-lJilc<:turll/ JQurlJlll. No.5. 2003. Figure. 3.22{c), 3..23(CI, \\ ww.llbb~.colll,el\, No\'. 2003. ILLUSTRATION CREDITS Figure 3.23 Ibl, weh!ijlc of Pei Architct:ts, 200.2. Pigure 4, I. 5.1 (hI. P:m Gu:d (cll.). fli,l"/ory IIf C'hincJI! Afl'hireCtlf«:, China I\r.:hjlcclure and Buildi1l£ Press, 1997. Figures 4,2. 4.3. auapteu fwrn Gao '{ibn & WUO); MClIghui, Liang Si-~'heng's proposal of pr()ll'ction of llndt:n1 city '-IOU planning. Cu/{eClio/l ofRe.~e"fI.;h (!II LianS Si.<'ill'ng J9.J6- 19%, Tsinghua Unh'crsilY P~ss. 1996. Figure 4.4. hllp:/lwww.bjall.comlguiddbjmup.htnl Figures 4.5. -u): hllp:/·· hllp:(/ l'igUTt 4.12, Chen Chong7hou & Zhal\g Min);, Hiswry (IfModrm SJumghai Arthitedllll!, Joint Puhliejtion, Shanghai, 1988. Figure ·US, Shanghai Inqitutc ofSurveying, Tlie PlulOllI: Nel" Dinritt "fShalr,~/UJi. Chinn Mup Study & Press. 1996. FigIJrc.-1.I6ib) from lhe pnmphlcl of PUdung Districi g{J\.-emllli'Jll. Shanghai. I~6, Figure 4.20 ad:lpted lrom Zh
