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Gong Weimin , School o f Architecture building , Shenzhe n University, 2003 FROM EIGH T TO ONE HUNDRE D TWENTY: PROLIFERATIN G ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATIO N Architecture is a profession. Architectural education should closely follo w thi s profession . Befor e 1949 , th e architectural school s i n Chin a wer e ru n b y th e firs t generation o f architect s i n China ; fo r example , th e Department o f Architecture a t Northeas t Universit y i n Shenyang in the 1930s and the Department of Architecture at Tsinghua University were founded by Professor Liang Sicheng an d hi s wife , Li n Huiyin . Th e Departmen t o f Architecture at Central University (the best architectural school before 1949, now called Southeast University), the Department of Civil Engineering at Shanghai's Jiaotong, and Tongj i Universit y ar e other s founde d b y th e first generation of architects. In 1952 , Chin a reorganize d th e syste m o f highe r education. Eigh t forma l architectura l school s provide d graduates fo r th e whol e country : Tsinghu a University , Tongji University, Nanjing Institut e of Technology (now Southeast University), Tianjin University, Harbin Institute of Buildin g Engineerin g (no w Harbi n Universit y o f Building), South China Institute of Technology (now South China Universit y o f Technology) , Xi'a n Institut e o f Metallurgical Building Engineering (now Xi'an University of Building Science), and Chongqing Institute of Building Engineering (now Chongqing University of Building). These eight architectural schools supplied graduates APPENDIX I I ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION AND PUBLICATION for al l o f Chin a durin g th e perio d 1952-77 . O f thes e schools, the first four are considered superior to the latter four (Xu e 1999) . Tsinghua an d Tongji Universitie s ar e without a doubt ranked the top "suppliers" of architects. Before 1966 , when all other institutions offered only four or five years of study, architecture students underwent six years o f trainin g a t Tsinghua an d Tongj i Universities . Remarkably, Tongji University set up the first program in urban planning in 1956 and the first college of architecture and urban planning in China only in 1986. The situation of the eight schools changed after 1978, as the eight could not satisfy the huge demands for building professionals when China entered an era of economic and building boom . Ther e wer e forty-si x universitie s an d colleges with architectural studie s in 1986 . The number rose t o nearl y eight y i n 2001 . There exist , o f course , informal divisions of "first-tier," "second- tier," and "thirdtier " institutes. Starting i n 1981 , China implemente d th e degre e system. Graduate s fro m architectur e program s wer e awarded a Bachelor of Science degree or Master of Science degree at that time. In 1993 , the State Council approved the Bachelor of Architecture degree for four universities: Tsinghua, Tongji, Tianjin, and Southeast. The architectural degrees awarde d b y thes e fou r institution s ar e als o recognized by overseas professional bodies . There were eighty program s o r architectura l school s i n 2001 . This number jumped to 120 in 2004, among which fewer than thirty schools had been accredited and are allowed to award 182 Appendi x II Gong Weimin, School of Architecture building, Shenzhen University, 2003 FROM EIGHT TO ONE HUNDRED TWENTY: PROLIFERATING ARCHIl'EC1'URAL EDUCATION Architecture is a profession. Architectural education should dosely follow this profession. Be.fore 1949. the architecwml ~chools in China were run by thc first generation of architects in China: for exampk. the Department of Architecture 3t Northeast University in Shenyang in the 1930$ and the Depanment ofArchitecture til Tsinghu:I Uni\'crsity were founded by Professor Uang Sicheng. and hi.s wife. Un Huiyin. The Department of Architecture at Central University (thc best architectural 'chool before 1949. now called SOUlheast University). the. Dep:mment of Civil Engineering at Shanghai:~ JiliolOng, and Tongji University are other::; founded by Ihe first generation of architects. In 1952. China reorgani'Zed the syStem of higJlcr education. Eight formal architectural schools provided graduates for the whole country: Tsinghua Universfty. Tongji University. Nanjing [nstitute of Technology (now Southeast UniversitYJ.Tianjin University. Harbin Institute 9f Building Engincering (now Harbin Univc.rsiry of Building). South China InstitlltcofTechno[ogy (now South Chinu University...
