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GLOSSARY a-mui a young girl in Cantonese. amuirona a derogatory Macanese term for a young proletarian girl. arroz carregado literall y 'loade d rice', it is a type of Macanese risotto, containing chopped meats and vegetables. balichao a paste made from groun d shrimp, garlic and tamarind used widel y i n th e cuisin e o f Southeas t Asi a an d Southern China . capela a baked dis h mad e fro m mince d pork , onions , olive s and cheese, so called because it resembles the golde n dome of a chapel when cooked . chd gordo literall y 'fa t tea', this is a Macanese supper at which a wide variety of savouries and sweets are served. Ofte n an occasion for a family o r social gathering. chiquia a traditional Chines e game, which involves keeping a light ball or shuttlecock in the air for as long as possible, using one's feet . clu-clu a n onomatopoeic term to describe a gambling table in Cantonese. cou-lau a restaurant serving Chinese food . do a dress wor n b y Macanes e wome n i n day s gon e by , consisting of a black veil and skirt. fan-tan a Chinese gambling game, which consists of guessin g the correct number of beans in a pot. fan-tim a small restaurant or eating house in Cantonese. kebaya a shor t gow n traditionall y wor n b y bot h me n an d women. kwai-lo/kwai a foreigner, foreig n devi l (Cantonese). lan-chais ragamuffin s (Cantonese) . lorcha a light coasta l vesse l wit h a hull built on a European model, but with rigging like that of a junk. melenta fro m th e Portuguese word 'merenda' , meanin g tea, or afternoon snack . min-hap a Chinese padded jacket widely worn in the cold season. misso-cristao a traditional Macanese dish made from a puree of white beans, t o whic h ar e adde d finel y choppe d por k o r shrimp, onions, shallots, garlic and saffron . 198฀GLOSSAR Y฀ pai-kao a type of Chinese dominoes. patois derive d from French, it refers to the Creole language of Macao, known in Portuguese as patud, doce papiagdm (sweet talk) and lingua maquista (Maca o language). It is no longer spoken widely, but is kept alive by various cultural groups in the city. peixe esmargal a variety of soused or pickled sawfish, using dry chilli, cumin, saffron, tamarind , garlic and rice wine. raspiate a Macanese term meaning a 'poor devil' . sarangong a Macanese wor d for a kite, deriving fro m th e Malay 'rangong', meaning an adjutant bird . sarrabulho a Macanese variant of a dish from Norther n Portugal , made with variou s type s o f shredde d meat , t o whic h cooked pig's blood is added. siu-tche a Cantonese form o f address meaning 'littl e miss'. tam-kon a pole carried over the shoulders used for transportin g buckets and baskets throughout Southeas t Asia. tanka a small boat derived from a n ethnic group of the same name in Southern China that was not allowed to live on land or marry into families livin g on land. tau-fu-fd a type of custard made from tofu . tuna a musica l group , usuall y mad e u p o f students , i n Portugal. tun-sam-fu a Chinese tunic worn by women. ...
