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INDEX 3-dimensional manual tracking perfonnance 241 reconstructions 219, 222-23, 225, 227-28 abducens nerve discharge 45-46, 49-50, 52 nucleus 38, 45, 93 acceleration ampullofugal 233 ampullopetal 233 angular 13, 16-17,21-23,92-93,205-207, 209, 211-12 linear horizontal 165-66, 170-71 time-varying 16 vertical 101, 165-67, 170-71 rotary 241 accelerometer 188, 208 bio- 219-20, 227 ACTH-(4-10) 89, 94-95 adaptation 125-26, 129, 175-81,219-20,228, 237 afferent anterior canal 13-17, 19,21-23 extraocular 239 intennediate discharge 3, 6, 8 irregular discharge 3,5-6,8-11, 13, 15, 1920 ,22 lateral canal 13-17, 19-23 neck 81-84 regular discharge 3,5-6,8-11, 13, 17-20,22 splanchnic gastric 133-34, 140, 142 vestibular 81-82 antiemetic effect 107, 110 area postrema 113-14, 143-44,235 area subpostrema 113 audiometry 155-56, 159,236 auditory stimuli 99, 103 behavioral food aversion 143 biomechanics 55, 58 body sway 238 response 193-94, 197-98,201 brain stem slice 242 caloric responses 153-54, 156-57, 159, 162 stimulation 133, 138-42, 193-94, 196-99, 201 canal afferent central branching 13 peripheral branching 13 canal paresis 236 cat 27-28,35-36,38-39,45-46,51,55-58,61, 63-65,68,70,73,76,78,81,107-10, 114, 120,235 canal plugged 69, 73, 75-76, 78 conscious 51, 99-100 cerebellum 10, 28, 31, 32, 81-83 characterized directional axis 63, 65, 68, 70 chinchilla 3-4, 6 cholinergic system 89, 93 commissural disinhibition 233 pathway 37 compensatory mechanism 153 conditioned taste aversion 143-45,235 copper sulfate solution 133-42 CT scan 153-54, 156, 157-59, 162 damped rotation test 153-54, 156, 158-59 diaphragm 240 directional sensitivity 63 dynamic analysis 73 electrical stimulation 81, 113-16, 120-21, 140 sinusoidal galvanic current 6 emesis 107-10 motion-induced 113, 235 emetic stimulants 240 EMG 78, 185-87, 193-96, 198 244 Index endolymphatic sac operation 238 EOG 193, 195, 198,201 Ewalds second law 125-27, 130-31,237 eye movement 205,207-209,212-14 horizontal 165-66, 168, 170-71 slow phase eye velocity 169-71 vertical 165-66, 168, 170-71 eye torsion 234 Fast Fourier Transformation 27, 29,168 GABA 113-14, 120-21 gaze velocity 233 gerbil 13-14, 16-18,21-23 glutamic acid decarboxylase 113-16, 120-21 gravity artificial 175-76, 181 micro- 178-80,205-10,219-20 gross motor function 153-55, 161 hair cells type I 3-6, 8-9,220-25,228 type II 3-6, 8-9,220,222-23, 225-26 head injury 236 head movement natural 233 voluntary 205, 213 head orienting response 99-101, 104 head velocity 126-27, 129-30,233 head-shaking horizontal 237 induced nystagmus 237 vertical 237 horizontal vestibulo-oculomotor system 35-36 horseradish peroxidase 13, 16,46,239 human 153-62, 165-66, 175-81, 183-90, 19398 ,201-202,205-14,234,236-38,241 immunocytochemistry 113-15, 118, 120 immunoreactivity 113-15, 118, 120-21 enkephalin-like 92 GABA-like 89-90, 92-93 GAD 113 inner ear anomaly 153-54, 157 interaction canal-otolith 206 gastrosensory-vestibular-autonomic 133 somatosensory-vestibular-sympathetic 19394 ,202 visual-vestibular 185 labyrinthectomy bilateral 93-94 hemi- 63-64, 68, 70 unilateral 90, 92-93, 125-27, 129 lateral vestibulospinal tract 73, 75 linear translation 208 lingula (lobule I of Larsell) 81 locomotor balance 93-95 macula 219-23,225,227-28 Meniere's disease unilateral 238 microneurography 193-94 monkey Rhesus 125-26 squirre13,9,89,91-94,235 motion sickness 99-100, 103-4,107-10, 133, 141-42,175,177-81,183,189,205-6,214 space 175-78, 180-81, 183-84,206 muscarinic receptor 242 muscle extraocular 55-56, 239 forelimb extensor 73, 75-76, 78 neck 55, 58-61 respiratory 240 shoulder 74 network 219-20,222,224-25,227-28 neuron burster-driving 35,39,45-46 central vestibular 27, 64, 73 cholinoceptive 242 Deiters' 75-78 excitatory burst 35-36 flocculus-projecting 3 inhibitory burst 35-36 inferior vestibular 65 medial vestibular 242 omnipause 35, 38, 52 secondary vestibular 3,9-10, 73 spinal inter- 73 vestibular type 1125, 130-32 type II 125, 130-32 vestibular nuclear 63, 68-69 vestibulocollic 81, 83 vestibulospinal 81, 83-84 [
