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SIX THE APLICHAU SQUATTE R AREA : A CASE STUDY by LUKE S . K . W O N G * Hong Kong , lik e othe r citie s o f th e developin g world , has in th e last few decade s experienced many urban problems arising from a very fast rate of population growth (see Dwyer , 1968) . Th e inabilit y o f hous e constructio n t o cop e wit h th e swolle n urban population has resulted in large numbers of squatters among the population . The Hon g Kon g governmen t ha s i n th e las t fiftee n year s launche d a larg e scal e resettlement programm e fo r squatters . The result s o f the programme hav e indee d been impressive. Nonetheless, the squatter proble m ha s by no means been solved . There ar e still 380,00 0 squatters i n abou t 11 3 squatter area s in the urban area s of the colony.1 Most o f th e squatte r area s are on hillside s periphera l t o th e built-u p areas. Th e majorit y o f th e structure s (91% ) ar e temporar y woode n huts , whil e the remainde r ar e brick , ston e o r reinforce d concret e structures. 2 Mos t o f th e structures ar e use d fo r residentia l purposes . However , smal l industries , shops , pigsties an d poultr y shed s ar e commo n i n som e areas , depending o n the sit e an d position. Th e genera l impressio n o f squatte r area s i s on e o f disorderl y arrange d agglomerations o f flimsy structure s occupie d b y poverty-stricke n peopl e a t hig h densities, wit h littl e o r non e o f th e sanitar y facilitie s an d othe r amenitie s lik e piped water and electricity supply usually foun d i n regula r housing . The areas are, in fact, so diverse in appearance an d socio-economi c characteristic s tha t a study of one are a alon e suc h a s i s presente d her e canno t revea l th e overal l pictur e o f squatter area s i n th e colony . Th e presen t study of the land-use and th e peopl e of one particula r squatte r are a does , however , cas t som e ligh t upo n on e particula r group o f Hon g Kon g squatters , an d i t may be useful i f onl y because no detaile d field studies of individual squatter area s in Hong Kong have been published before . Aplichau (Plat e 18 ) was chosen fo r th e study because : 1. Th e islan d ha s a well defined boundary . 2. I t i s wel l covere d b y large-scal e cadastra l map s an d air-photographs , thu s facilitating land-us e studie s i n the area . 3. Th e island's estimated population of 13,36 2 has a ratio o f approximatel y tw o squatters to one non-squatter. Thus i t is possible to compare and contrast the two types of occupants and to study the relationships between the two groups. * Formerl y a postgraduat e studen t i n th e Departmen t o f Geograph y an d Geolog y an d Researc h Assistant, Centr e o f Asia n Studies , Universit y o f Hon g Kong ; currentl y a doctora l candidat e i n Geography a t the Universit y o f Toronto . 1 Figure s obtaine d fro m th e Resettlemen t Department . 2 Figure s obtaine d fro m th e Resettlemen t Department . go LUKE S . K . WON G 4. Th e are a ha s a mixe d land-use , fo r industrial , commercia l an d residentia l activities ar e importan t amon g th e squatter s an d non-squatter s alike . The field stud y wa s carrie d ou t i n Jun e an d Jul y 196 8 an d Januar y 196 9 (se e Wong, 1969) . The Physical Setting Aplichau, a...
