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ANNex oNe 146 Annex One A survey of church-Going Protestants in singapore Instructions: This survey consists of 8 sections. Kindly answer all questions. Do not hesitate to ask for clarification. For official use only: Date Ref. No. Church Code. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-20 04:55 GMT) Annex One 147 Bio-data: Name: (Optional) Gender: 1. ฀Male 2. ฀Female Nationality: 1. ฀Singaporean 2. ฀Permanent Resident, specify nationality: ฀ ฀ ฀ 3. ฀Foreigner, specify nationality: Ethnic Group: 1. ฀Chinese 2. ฀Malay 3. ฀Indian ฀ ฀ ฀ 4. ฀Eurasian 5. ฀Others, specify: Age: Marital Status: 1. ฀Single 2. ฀Married ฀ ฀ ฀ 3. ฀Divorced/Separated 4. ฀Widowed 148 Annex One section A: socio-economic and cultural Background A1. What is the highest level of education that you have attained? 1. ฀No formal qualification e.g. lower Primary, Best 1–3 2. ฀Primary e.g. PSLE, Best 4 3. ฀Lower secondary e.g. ITE Basic, WISE 1-3 4. ฀Secondary e.g. “O” or “N” Levels, NTC Grade 3 5. ฀Upper secondary i.e. “A” Levels 6. ฀Upper secondary e.g. Vocational, NTC Grades 1 & 2 7. ฀Polytechnic diploma 8. ฀Professional qualification and other diplomas 9. ฀University first degree 10. ฀University postgraduate diploma or degree 11. ฀Others, please specify A2. What is your occupational group? 1. ฀Legislators, Senior Officials & Managers, including Businessmen 2. ฀Professionals, please specify 3. ฀Associate Professionals & Technicians Annex One 149 4. ฀Clerical Workers 5. ฀Service & Sales Workers 6. ฀Agricultural & Fishery Workers 7. ฀Production Craftsmen & Related Workers 8. ฀Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers 9. ฀Cleaners, Labourers & Related Workers 10. ฀Others, please specify 11. ฀Retired, please specify previous occupation A3. What is your gross monthly personal income? 1. ฀No income 2. ฀Below $1,000 3. ฀$1,000 to $1,499 4. ฀$1,500 to $1,999 5. ฀$2,000 to $2,999 6. ฀$3,000 to $3,999 7. ฀$4,000 to $4,999 8. ฀$5,000 to $5,999 ฀ 9. ฀$6,000 to $6,999 10. ฀$7,000 to $7,999 11. ฀$8,000 to $8,999 12. ฀$9,000 to $9,999 13. ฀$10,000 and above 150 Annex One A4. What is your gross monthly household income, i.e. the combined income of your family? 1. ฀Below S$1,000 2. ฀$1,000 to $1,499 3. ฀$1,500 to $1,999 4. ฀$2,000 to $2,999 5. ฀$3,000 to $3,999 6. ฀$4,000 to $4,999 ฀ 7. ฀$5,000 to $5,999 8. ฀$6,000 to $6,999 ฀ 9. ฀$7,000 to $7,999 10. ฀$8,000 to $8,999 11. ฀$9,000 to $9,999 12. ฀$10,000 and above A5. What language(s) did you use at home before the age of 18? You can choose more than one 1. ฀English 2. ฀Mandarin 3. ฀Malay 4. ฀Tamil 5. ฀Other languages and dialects (e.g. Hokkien, Urdu etc) please specify A6. What is your father’s highest educational qualification? ฀ 1. ฀No formal schooling 2. ฀Primary ฀ 3. ฀Secondary 4. ฀Pre-University ฀ 5. ฀Tertiary, please specify Annex One 151 A7. What is your mother’s highest educational qualification? 1. ฀No formal schooling 2. ฀Primary 3. ฀Secondary 4. ฀Pre-University 5. ฀Tertiary, please specify A8. What is/was your father’s occupation? 1. ฀Legislators, Senior Officials & Managers, including Businessmen 2. ฀Professionals, please specify 3. ฀Associate Professionals & Technicians 4. ฀Clerical Workers 5. ฀Service & Sales Workers 6. ฀Agricultural & Fishery Workers 7. ฀Production Craftsmen & Related Workers 8. ฀Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers ฀ 9. ฀Cleaners, Labourers & Related Workers 10. ฀Others, please specify [] Project MUSE (2024-04-20 04:55 GMT) 152 Annex One A9. What is/was your mother’s occupation? 1. ฀Legislators, Senior Officials & Managers, including Businessmen 2. ฀Professionals, please specify 3. ฀Associate Professionals & Technicians 4. ฀Clerical Workers 5. ฀Service & Sales Workers 6. ฀Agricultural & Fishery Workers 7. ฀Production Craftsmen & Related Workers 8. ฀Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers ฀ 9. ฀Cleaners, Labourers & Related Workers 10. ฀Others, please specify Annex One 153 A10. Please list the schools you have attended at the primary, secondary and pre-university levels and the schools’ religious affiliations, if any. Level School Religious affiliation E.g. Buddhist, Methodist… A11. What kind of housing did you stay the longest before the age of 18? 1. ฀HDB 1–2 Room 2. ฀HDB 3-Room 3. ฀HDB 4-Room 4. ฀HDB 5-Room/Executive/Masionette/HUDC 5. ฀Bungalow/Semi-D/Terrace 6. ฀Private apartment/Condominium 7. ฀Others, please specify 154 Annex One A12. What kind of housing are you staying in now? ฀ 1 ฀HDB 1–2 Room ฀ 2 ฀HDB 3-Room ฀ 3 ฀HDB 4-Room ฀ 4 ฀HDB 5-Room...
