In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix Acknowledgements My first word of thanks goes to the many NU leaders, ulama, activists and intellectuals who welcomed me into their world, shared their insights and struggles with me, and helped me obtain the information, documents and interviews I needed. There are too many to name here, so I won’t mention individuals, but I will give special acknowledgment to the staff and leadership of Lakpesdam, LKiS, P3M, LKPSM, YKF, ISIS, Fatayat NU, Maarif NU, ICIP and WI. In addition, I’m very grateful to the leadership of the PBNU in 1999, and particularly the Muktamar Organizing Committee, for allowing me to participate in the 1999 Muktamar not just as an observer, but as a member of the panitia, which afforded me a unique perspective. It is not possible to convey here the depth of the debt of gratitude that I owe to the late Professor Daniel S. Lev, who supervised my graduate study and the research from which this book stemmed. Dan Lev was one of the great giants of comparative law and Indonesian studies. He held a deep love for Indonesia at the same time as he held an uncompromising commitment to supporting reform in Indonesia. I learned more from him about Indonesian politics and society, approaches to studying religion, and how to survive graduate school than from any other single person. This book is dedicated to his memory. There are several other scholars who have been influential in shaping my understanding of NU. I am indebted foremost to Dr Greg Fealy for generously sharing his considerable insight into NU over many hours of conversation, countless emails and numerous article drafts, and for taking the time to review and give critical commentary on the bulk of this volume. His input has immeasurably improved the quality of the book. From the early days of my academic and professional career, Dr Douglas Ramage has been an inspiration and a mentor. His unparalleled understanding of contemporary Indonesian politics also influences this work. Without his unswerving support, it would not have been possible for me to fulfil my responsibilities at The Asia Foundation while completing this book. For this I am deeply grateful. ix x I must include a special word of thanks for my extraordinary editor, Beth Thomson. There is no question that the publication of this book would not have been possible without her. Her professional rigour, attention to detail, thoroughness and discipline are largely responsible for the quality of this publication — while any remaining flaws are clearly my own responsibility. Beth managed the huge challenge of more or less keeping me on deadline with good humour and patience, for which I am most grateful. Finally, I must thank my family for their patience, support and love throughout the seemingly endless process of writing and revising this book. My children, Ayu and Philip, bring energy and joy and meaning to my life, and my husband Phil has been a constant support and inspiration. I owe my deepest and most personal thanks to all three. Robin Bush 10 May 2008  Nahdlatul Ulama and the Struggle for Power ...
