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48 J. Oerstroem Moeller 6 Conclusion In the present stage of international affairs we may choose to disregard the challenges facing us. We may choose to say that everything is fine or that it is awful but nothing can be done about it. But inaction will surely lead towards some kind of dismantling of internationalism at least in its present form. Only an optimist can hope that a system under severe stress as highlighted by recent events in international security, economics and trade can continue as before. There are several alternative models. They include a reinstatement of the nation-state, a clash between civilizations, and the emergence of three blocks — North America, Asia or North Eastern Asia, and Europe — 49 Conclusion organizing tutelage over what they regard as their part of the world. Or what is unfortunately much more likely, some kind of chaos as the persistence of narrow self-interest opens the door to forces of destruction. This kind of roll back of internationalism will be unwelcome to most of us. We invite the stakeholders in the international community to take the bull by the horn and start to adapt the system to the new circumstances to ensure its survival. ...
