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C e n t r a l e u r o p e a n m e d i e v a l t e x t s General Editors János m. Bak, urszula Borkowska, Giles ConstaBle, Gerhard Jaritz, GáBor klaniCzay anonymus and master roger anonymi Bele regis notarii Gesta hungarorum anonymus, notary of king Béla The deeds of the hungarians edited, translated and annotated By martyn rady and lászló veszprémy magistri rogerii epistola in miserabile carmen super destructione regni hungarie per tartaros facta master roger’s epistle to the sorrowful lament upon the destruction of the kingdom of hungary by the tatars translated and annotated By János m. Bak and martyn rady Central European University Press Budapest–New York Sales and information: Website: 9 789639 776951 9 0 0 0 0 Anonymus boritó.indd 1 2010.07.13. 20:54 ANONYMUS AND MASTER ROGER  ANONYMi BElE REGiS NOTARii GESTA HUNGARORUM  ANONYMUS, NOTARY Of KiNG BélA THE DEEDS Of THE HUNGARiANS  MAGiSTRi ROGERii EpiSTOlA iN MiSERABilE CARMEN SUpER DESTRUCTiONE REGNi HUNGARiE pER TARTAROS fACTA  MASTER ROGER’S EpiSTlE TO THE SORROwfUl lAMENT UpON THE DESTRUCTiON Of THE KiNGDOM Of HUNGARY BY THE TATARS Anonymus.indb 1 2010.06.14. 9:39 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 11:31 GMT) CENTRAl EUROpEAN MEDiEVAl TEXTS VOlUME 5 General Editors JáNOS M. BAK URSZUlA BORKOwSKA GilES CONSTABlE GERHARD JARiTZ GáBOR KlANiCZAY Series Editor fRANK SCHAER Anonymus.indb 2 2010.06.14. 9:39 ...
