In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

This book discusses the policies, practices and outcomes of privatisation in six former communist countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovenia and Ukraine, paying particular attention to differences among countries in these fields and to interrelations between the processes of privatisation and the political transition from communism to a new system. The analysis is restricted to the privatisation of medium-sized and large enterprises, and only adjunctively deals with the privatisation of banks, non-bank financial companies, natural monopolies and agricultural entities. At the same time, our subject also extends beyond the field usually examined under the title of privatisation or privatisation stricto sensu. The latter, of course, means the transfer of the ownership of firms from governmental bodies to private persons or organisations. In this book, this is referred to as primary privatisation. And the analysis will extend to secondary privatisation, here meaning the increasing concentration in ownership structures after primary privatisation. From the Foreword Central European University Press Budapest – New York Sales and information: Website: 776852 789639 9 ISBN 9789639776852 90000 > ...
