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foreword As one of the interpreters in the original production, I am delighted to learn that the English translation of The Flower Princess (Dae Neui Fa, Dinühua in Mandarin) will soon be published.This is the masterwork written by Mr.Tong Dik Sang (Tang Disheng in Mandarin) at the peak of his career. Ever since its premiere, it has been a favorite of the Cantonese Opera audience, its theme song has long since become a familiar tune in Hong Kong, which can be fittingly termed a unique monument of its time. I was honored to witness its birth, to nurse it through its infancy, and to help it to reach maturity.The deep emotional link between us is more than words could express. Princess Cheungping has very much become a part of me; she lives in the air I breathe, occupying both my waking hours and my dreams. Watching it crossing the language barrier right before its fiftieth birthday, I send along my most sincere best wishes. May readers who do not understand Chinese appreciate Mr. Tong’s wonderful libretto in translation, and, besides, have their curiosity stimulated and discover the vast and colorful world of Cantonese Opera. Pak Suet Sin December 2006 (Translated by Michael Lam) 前 言 作為原劇演繹人之一,得聞 《帝女花》 劇本出版英譯本,自然感到 歡喜。這是唐滌生先生全盛期的力作,面世以來廣受粵劇觀眾愛戴,主 題曲 《香夭》 家傳戶曉,堪稱香港普及文化一座獨特的時代紀念碑。我 the flower princess.indb 7 2010/2/9 9:16:49 AM viii foreword 有幸看著它誕生,協助它成型,扶持它成長,感情的濃郁深厚非言詞所 能表達。長平公主的喜怒哀樂,早就滲入我的朝夕晨昏,甚至在夢中縈 繞不散。 在 《帝女花》 五十歲生日前夕,目送它踱進另一個語言國度,我寄 上無限祝福。希望不諳中文的讀者,能夠於譯文中管窺唐先生的妙筆, 並且對粵劇產生好奇和興趣,讓這個優良的劇種接觸到更廣闊的觀眾。 白雪仙 2006年12月 the flower princess.indb 8 2010/2/9 9:16:49 AM ...
