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30 星期日的钥匙 钥匙在星期日早上的阳光中晃动。 深夜归来的人回不了自己的家。 钥匙进入锁孔的声音,不像敲门声 那么遥远,梦中的地址更为可靠。 当我横穿郊外公路,所有车灯 突然熄灭。在我头上的无限星空里 有人捏住了自行车的刹把。倾斜, 一秒钟的倾斜,我听到钥匙掉在地上。 许多年前的一串钥匙在阳光中晃动。 我拾起了它,但不知它后面的手 隐匿在何处?星期六之前的所有日子 都上了锁,我不知道该打开哪一把。 现在是星期日。所有房间 全部神秘地敞开。我扔掉钥匙。 走进任何一间房屋都用不着敲门。 世界如此拥挤,屋里却空无一人。 31 Key to Sunday A key glints in the Sunday morning light. A returning traveler is locked out in the dark. A knock on the door is always more faint than the rasp of metal in the keyhole. Only a dreamed address is reliable. As I bike down a quiet street all the headlights go out at once. In the night sky above, a hand clenches a brake. I hear a clink. A key has fallen to the ground. I see a ring of keys, keys of years past glinting in the light. I pick them up. But where are the hands that hide behind them? A row of closed days, ending in Saturday— but I do not know which to unlock. Now it is Sunday. All the doors on the street stand open. I toss the keys away. No need to knock. Just walk right in. Such a crowded world, and no one at home. ...
