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6 永远里有…… 永远里有几场雨。一阵阵微风; 永远里有无助的悲苦,黄昏落日时 茫然的愣神; 有苹果花在死者的墓地纷纷飘落; 有歌声,有万家灯火的凄凉; 有两株麦穗,一朵云 将它们放进你的蔚蓝。 7 Inside Eternity . . . A few bands of rain inside eternity. Breezes; forlorn inside eternity, the sunset at dusk a blank gaze; apple blossoms fall in a graveyard; singing, desolate myriad city lights; two ears of wheat, a cloud put them into your sky-blue. ...
