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17 爱情物理学 观察:我看见天空 想到阳光也照在你的脸上 在某一条街道 我的脚印会与旧日的你重叠 我感谢每一个汉字 你不得不和我一样 用你可爱的嘴唇说出它们 还有空气—— 其中有你的气息 就在呼吸之间 充满了我温暖的肺腑 ——你无处不在 何曾远离? 我知道物理学的贡献 波粒二重性——现在 我如何把你确定? 既然你无处不在 就是哪里也没有你 我苦恼于我的眼睛——它是 从我体内挖去的那一部分—— 等待你径直走到我面前 像世界一样把它们 堆满 173 The Physics of Love Observe: I see the sky think of sunlight also shining on your face On a street my footprints will overlap you from the old days I thank each Chinese character like me you have to say them aloud with your lovely lips And air — your breath within imbues my warm lungs between each breathing — you’re everywhere are you ever far? I know the contribution of physics wave-particle duality — now how can I define you? Since you’re everywhere you’re nowhere to be seen My eyes vex me — they are the part that’s dug from my body — waiting for you to walk right up to me like the world piling them up ...
