In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

14 消失 消失。 比死亡远,比拥抱近。 我接受遗产,你所奖赏的: 寂静。 你的赐予,我遵从。 在这横亘的安宁中我拥有 无限的时刻。广袤夜空中的群星。 金色的你的身体在闪烁,到处都是。 金色的你的嘴唇。金色的! 麦田把它逝去的韶光种植在 我命运的屋顶。 141 Disappear Disappear. Further than death, closer to a hug. I accept the legacy, what you reward: stillness. I obey your bestowal. In this transverse peace I own moments of infinity. Clusters of stars in a vast night sky. Your golden body is glimmering, everywhere. Your golden lips. Golden! Wheat field plants its past glory on the roof of my fate. ...
