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18 山楂树 最美的是花。粉红色。 但如果没有低垂的叶簇 它隐藏在荫凉的影子深处 一道暮色里的山谷; 如果没有树枝,浅褐的皮肤 像渴望抓紧泥土; 没有风在它少年碧绿的冲动中 被月光的磁铁吸引; 没有走到树下突然停住的人 他们燃烧在一起的嘴唇——! 19 Hawthorn Tree Loveliest is the flower. Pink. But were there no clusters of drooping leaves hidden deep in its bosky shadow a valley at dusk; were there no branches, their beige skin grabbing mud like desire; no wind in its green impulse of youth drawn to the magnet of moonlight; no one walking to a halt under the tree their lips burning together — ! ...
