In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

1 钉子 一 我愿意走在你的后面,以便与你同享墓冢。 那里的野草呼唤着四季,并从落叶上怜悯地收留我。 二 如此安静,聚集起整个天空的闪电。 静默的瓦松知道——我的本质屋顶上的避雷针。 三 佩戴栀子花的人过去了。人消逝,栀子花一朵朵在茶杯上燃烧。 四 生活,有多少次我被驱赶进一个句号! 五 一个中年庄稼汉的裤脚下升起了炊烟。 微风来了,最高的塔被吹成平地。 六 火石。这黑暗中不停冒烟的词。 11 Nails 1 I’m willing to walk behind you, so that we may share a burial mound. Where wild grass summons four seasons, adopting me out of pity from fallen leaves. 2 So quiet, lightning assembled from the whole sky. Silent orostachys know — the lightning rod on the rooftop of my self. 3 Gone is the one who wore a gardenia. She disappears, gardenias burn one by one above a teacup. 4 Life, many times have I been driven into a period! 5 Smoke rises from the bottom of a middle-aged ploughman’s pants. Here comes a breeze, the tallest pagoda is cast into flat land. 6 Flint. The word that keeps fuming in the dark. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 11:10 GMT) 1 七 寒风吹着光秃秃的树枝。 路灯把我变成幽灵。孩子的笑声沉重地盖住我的脸。 墙角旋起纸屑。 我抓住它们,紧紧地——疯狂可以是这样平静。 世界在孩子的笑声中飘浮起来。打着旋。 八 自豪于自由的枷锁可以如此坚定地对我的自由进行囚禁。 在那广袤原野里放生了自由本身的无限。 九 还能走到哪里? 我的字一步一步拖着我的床和我的碗。 十 打开这本书,它的高速公路试管里淌出的墨渍。 挖掘机履带的印刷体,土地在它日益扩大的嗥叫前后退。 在它辉煌的笔杆下我们挖出我们的眼,铲断我们的手 当昨天消失。 十一 卑贱者不被允许进入文字。 刽子手来了,挥舞着笔在你们的沉默前哆嗦。 噩梦跟着他。 13 7 A cold wind blows on bare branches. Streetlights turn me into a ghost. Children’s laughter drapes my face. Scraps of paper whirl in a corner. I grab them, tightly — madness can be this calm. The world floats in the midst of children’s laughter. Whirling. 8 Chains that boast of freedom can hold my freedom in such firm captivity. Setting free the infinity of freedom in vast fields. 9 Where else can I go? My words are hauling my bed and my bowl step by step. 10 Open this book, ink stains are dripping out of its freeway test tube. Fonts from an excavator’s tank tread, the soil recedes before its expanding growls. Under its splendid pen we dig out our eyes, raze our hands as yesterday disappears. 11 Scum are not allowed in words. Here comes the executioner, brandishing his pen and trembling at your silence. Nightmares stalk him. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 11:10 GMT) 14 十二 愿你活着。永远活着。 ——一个人对仇敌的祝福。 十三 有时,一声遥远的哭泣,一个孤单离去的背影抛出绳索 从深渊救出我。 我认出那张我曾无情击打过的脸。 十四 深夜,一列细小的花朵窸窸窣窣在爬树,沿着青色的枝条—— 当人们进入悲惨的梦寐。 十五 我的忠贞的根深扎在背叛你的泥土中。 多么冷酷啊! 你知道,我爱你。 你生下我。 十六 我的毫无用处: 以它的一砖一瓦造出大海,并在它的快乐上面升起我小屋的帆。 15 12 May you live. Live forever. — A blessing on one’s foe. 13 Sometimes, a distant sob, a lonely departing silhouette throws a rope to rescue me from an abyss. I recognize the face I once struck mercilessly. 14 Late night, a row of delicate flowers climbs a tree, swishing along green branches — as people enter their tragic dreams. 15 My loyal roots are entrenched in mud that betrays you. How ruthless! You know, I love you. You gave birth to me. 16 My utter uselessness: with bricks and tiles it builds an ocean, raising the sail of my cottage over its happiness. ...
