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9 在小店 去年的村庄。去年的小店 槐花落得晚了。 林子深处,灰斑鸠叫着 断断续续的忧伤 一个肉体的忧伤,在去年 泛着白花花悲哀的盐碱地上 在小店。 一个肉体的忧伤 在树荫下,阳光亮晃晃地 照到今年。槐花在沙里醒来 它爬树,带着穷孩子的小嘴 牛铃铛 季节的回声 灰斑鸠又叫了—— 心疼的地方。在小店 离开的地方。在去年 93 In Xiaodian Last year’s village. Last year’s Xiandian Pagoda flowers fall too late. Deep in the woods, a collared dove cries sporadic sorrow a body’s sorrow, last year on alkaline soil suffused with white grief in Xiaodian. A body’s sorrow under the shade of a tree, sunlight dazzles until this year. A pagoda flower awakes in sand It climbs a tree, with a poor child’s mouth a cowbell the echoes of seasons the collared dove cries again — A place that hurts. In Xiaodian A place left behind. Last year ...
