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76 立秋 午后。四周变暗。 仿佛剧院里沉沉大幕前的灯光。 墙角溜来突然的一阵风 把行人吹进秋天的街头。 云彩拖着阴影 掠过推铁环少年的头顶。 ……再见,空荡荡的田野 耕完地的赶牛人。 永别了!青春—— 灌木丛还在继续着你燃烧的眼神。 从你唇边流淌出蜜一样的歌声 在混浊的河水中渐渐平静。 秋天那灰蒙蒙的远方仿佛 寺庙的屋顶 在低垂的柳树间我瞥见 一个颤抖在往事中的幽灵。 77 The Start of Autumn Afternoon. Darkens all around. Like lights before heavy grand drapes in a theatre. A sudden gust of wind from a corner blows pedestrians into the autumn street. Clouds drag shadows over a youth’s head as he rolls a hoop. . . . Goodbye, empty field herder done plowing. Farewell! Youth — shrubs carry on your burning gaze. Songs flow like honey off your lips cooling off in the muddy river. Autumn far and overcast like a temple’s roof Through the drooping willows I glimpse a spirit shivering in the past. ...
