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7 黄昏 黄昏,我听到它秘密的窸窣。 ——这里曾发生过什么? 一片年轻的楸树林走向夜晚 风拖长影子在枝干间滑过。 在它幽暗的深处 传来一棵雁肠草年迈的 叹息。 我轻轻停步——倾听 脚下的大地沉默无声。 71 Dusk Dusk, I hear its rustling in secret. — What happened here? Young Manchurian catalpas walk toward night Wind stretches shadows and slides through branches. From its dim depth a strand of water chickweed’s aging sigh. I stop gently — listening to the silent earth beneath my feet. ...
