In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

66 歇晌 午间。村庄慢慢沉入 明亮的深夜。 穿堂风掠过歇晌汉子的脊梁 躺在炕席上的母亲奶着孩子 芬芳的身体与大地平行。 知了叫着。驴子在槽头 甩动尾巴驱赶蚊蝇。 丝瓜架下,一群雏鸡卧在阴影里 间或骨碌着金色的眼珠。 这一切细小的响动—— ——世界深沉的寂静。 67 Siesta Noon. The village slumps into a bright late night. A draft brushes the spine of a napping man a mother lies on a kang mat nursing her child her fragrant body aligning with the earth. Cicadas drone. At the trough a donkey flicks its tail at mosquitoes. Under a gourd trellis, a brood of chicks idles in the shade golden eyes rolling from time to time. These delicate sounds of movement — — profound silence in the world. ...
