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64 木匠在刨花里…… 木匠在刨花里砍出他的脸而 铁匠在镰刀和麦秆间弯腰藏着。 白发老妇在破旧的织机上 织出窈窕的腰身和花朵的大红。 在乡间,一株白杨就是 一股升起的炊烟,为了让 晚归的羊群远远看见。 我写着单纯的诗句,沿着 笔直的田畦,一溜刚播下的麦种 领着我浑身碧绿地闪出 感觉的无线电。 65 Carpenter in the Thick of Wood Shavings . . . The carpenter carves out his face in the thick of wood shavings while the blacksmith stoops and hides among sickles and wheat stalks. On a worn-out loom the old white-haired woman weaves slender waistlines and scarlet. In the country, a poplar is a pillar of rising chimney smoke, for sheep to see from afar, late on their way home. I write simple verse, along straight plots of land, a row of new wheat guides my whole body, flashing in green radio waves of feeling. ...
