In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

46 现实 没有白天,没有黑夜。 没有善。也没有恶。 一群人在受苦。 仅此而已。 没有绝对的词。 这些风吹散的薄纸的灰烬。 一群人在受苦。 就是这些。 永不休耕的土地里 只有一个女人挎着光辉的篮子 默默播撒种籽。 47 Reality No day, no night. No goodness. And no evil. A group of men suffering. That’s all. No absolute word. Thin paper ashes dispersed by wind. A group of men suffering. Just like this. In the land that never lies fallow only a woman with a radiant basket silently sows seeds. ...
