In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Cont e nt s 5 Music examples and illustrations 6 Preface 9 Lo scherno degli dei 17 Myth and derision in the dramma per musica of the seventeenth century Jean-François Lattarico Helpings from the great banquets of epic 33 Handel’s teseo and Arianna in creta Robert C. Ketterer Envoicing the divine 63 Oracles in lyric and spoken drama in seventeenth-century France Geoffrey Burgess Addressing the divine 97 The ‘numinous’ accompagnato in opera seria Bruno Forment Iphigenia’s curious ménage à trois in myth, drama, and opera 117 Reinhard Strohm Spectatorship and involvement in Gluck’s Iphigénie en Tauride 139 Bram van Oostveldt Bibliography 155 Contributors’ biographies 171 Index 173 contents ...
