In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

 CONTENTS Lectures for the 21st century. PersPectives on society and science 11 Genetics and Genomics: 13 from testinG to treatment Jean-JacqUes cassiman the hUman genome 13 Single nucleotide PolymorPhiSmS 15 ePigenetics: a maJor caUse of variations on the same theme 16 mendeLian diseases 17 mULtifactoriaL diseases 18 genetic teSting 19 iS genetic teSting by internet meaningful? 20 genetic counSeling and information for the PatientS 20 rare diSeaSeS 21 references and fUrther reading 23 the historic and the current PoLiticaL 25 deveLoPment in BeLGium for KinG and LasaGne tim PaUweLs introdUction 25 the BeLgian chaLLenge 26 a coat of two different faBrics with one BUtton 26 a history of changing concePts 27 the cUrrent sitUation in BeLgiUm 32 culture and Public debate 32 no belgian PartieS 33 the Present day federaL modeL 37 a unique SyStem 37 the federal entitieS 37 no hierarchy 39 federal or confederal? 41 the Lasagne modeL 42 6 the Lack of a common story 42 one debate, one country? 42 the common Story 43 not juSt incidentS … 46 the fUtUre of BeLgiUm 48 and the eUroPean Union? 50 LivinG off the Land in africa: 53 myths and reaLity roeL merckx introdUction 53 focUsing on sUB-saharan africa 54 why no green revoLUtion in sUB-saharan africa? 55 agro-ecologically, the land iS leSS favoured 55 Socio-economic and Political conditionS are extreme 57 LittLe Use of fertiLizers: a matter of Price onLy 57 the controversy Between organic and inorganic fertiLizers 58 the inadeqUacy of fertiLizer recommendations 60 towards soLUtions 61 changeS can be made 61 Soil fertility iS crucial and organic matter iS the key 61 legumeS or legumeS? 63 concLUsions 65 references 66 human riGhts, after 60 years. 69 a PhiLosoPhicaL refLection Bart raymaekers hUman rights, moraL rights 69 hUman rights, a modern concePt 70 middle ageS 70 declarationS 71 declarationS of human rightS 72 treatiSeS 72 the significance of hUman rights 73 sUccess and its Limits 76 BiBLiograPhy 78 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 10:35 GMT) 7 art and cuLturaL identity of the Low countries 81 LUdo Beheydt cULtUraL identity 81 cULtUraL identity in art 83 the artistic sPecificity of the cULtUre of the Low coUntries 84 the Byzantine heritage 85 the differences 86 analytic art verSuS Synthetic art 86 realiStic art verSuS idealiSed art 91 Static art verSuS narrative art 93 contacts Between cULtUres and mUtUaL infLUences 95 cULtUraL identity as the resULt of a constrUction Process 98 fLemish art versUs dUtch art 101 concLUsion 103 BiBLiograPhy 103 sPirituaLLy inteGrated PsychotheraPy 105 mia LeiJssen introdUction 105 the soUL 108 soUL research ProJect 111 iLLUstration of PsychotheraPy as care for the soUL 111 exPerience of connectedness 113 hUman Life is a BodiLy Process 116 ritUaLs as a way to noUrish the soUL 120 concLUding remarks 121 references 124 8 the oriGins of human retroviruses 127 anne-mieke vandamme introdUction 127 simian reLatives of htLv and hiv 128 gLoBaL ePidemioLogy of htLv and hiv 130 transmission of hUman retrovirUses 131 the toPoLogy of the PtLv and Piv tree sUggests simian 131 to hUman transmission argUments in favoUr of natUraL simian to hUman 132 transmission the simian to hUman transmission events can Be dated 134 PoPULation history of htLv and hiv and correLation 137 with historicaL events concLUsion 139 fUrther reading 140 functionaL food, Panacea or has the emPeror 143 no cLothes theo a. niewoLd introdUction 143 a Brief history of food 143 fUnctionaL food, the definition 144 safety concerns 146 cLaims and LegisLation 148 tyPes of fUnctionaL food, cLaims 150 drivers in the fUnctionaL food market 151 is fUnctionaL food a LikeLy concePt? 153 concLUsion: Panacea or has the emPeror no cLothes? 154 soUrces 155 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 10:35 GMT) 9 history in the aGe of aPoLoGy 157 georgi verBeeck a cULtUre of aPoLogy 158 aPoLogy versUs realPolitik 160 western reLations with the non-western worLd 161 aPoLogies and forgiveness 163 the cULtUre of aPoLogy as a new sociaL movement 166 intergenerationaL JUstice 167 sPeech act 169 criticism 170 concePtual vagueneSS 170 aPology aS a new form of reaLPoLitik 171 PerSonalization and dePolitizication 174 the historian’s roLe 174 BiBLiograPhy 178 doPinG the athLete in an aGe of 181 Presumed innocence: what if the Lawyer wins the race? frank hendrickx warming UP 181 the athLete’s LegaL environment 182 sPorts Law: the two sides of the medaL 184 PUBLic PoLicy concerns and sPorting interests in eU Law 185 criminaL imPact 186 disciPLinary...
