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Acknowledgements This book could not have been written without the assistance of many individuals and organizations. My particular thanks go to the Hungarian American Enterprise Fund and its Hungarian director Elisabeth Simon and its Board of Directors for their generous Senior Scholar Fellowship, which enabled me to do intensive research in the Hoover Institution Archives at Stanford University and in various archives in Washington, D.C. Thanks are also due to Maciej Siekerski, curator of East European Collections at the Hoover Institution Archives, who alerted me to the existence of the Minden Collection, and to his colleagues Anatol Shmelev, Carol Leadenham, David Jacobs, Blanka Pasternak, and Zivka Randic for their valuable assistance and kind patience. John Vernon and Larry McDonald at the National Archives at College Park, MD, and staff members of the Library of Congress and the Library of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., of the Canadian National Archives in Ottawa, and of the Federal Office for the Documents of the State Security Services of the former German Democratic Republic in Berlin have also been most helpful in my research. Special thanks are due to Dr. Mary Curry and Dr. William Burr at the Security Archives of George Washington University for their valuable advice in declassification matters. My deep gratitude goes to the late John P. C. Matthews for sharing his friendship and personal files with me, and to A. Ross Johnson of Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty for his long-time encouragement and support for my book project, and the valuable documents pertaining to my research. I am also indebted to Yale Richmond and i5 Cold War.indb 1 2013.03.04. 13:37 2 Hot Books in the Cold War Leonard Baldyga in Washington, D.C., for giving valuable information and advice, and to Béla Révész in Budapest for providing unpublished Hungarian archival documents. Special thanks are due to Marilyn Minden in New York, Paul Minden in Los Angeles, Beth Walker, Zdena Horak, Marek Rudzki, Olga Brzorad, Ioana Alimanestianu, Richard Hunt, Robert Gábor, Elisabeth Csicsery-Rónay, Penny Patch, Joseph F. Juhasz, Anna Halasz, Prokop Tomek, and Richard Cummings for sharing with me their personal experiences and various documents relating to the Cold War book project. For checking the correct spelling of the hundreds of East European names and book titles, I am indebted to János Tischler in Warsaw, Gabriel Andreescu in Bucharest, Alexia Dimitrova in Sofia, Bohumila Balounová in Prague, and Ivo Samson in Bratislava. Thanks are also due to Alvydas Kazakevicius in Kaunas, Darius Juodis in Vilnius, and Hijlar Tammela in Tallinn for providing valuable information and documents about Lithuania and Estonia. Last but not least, my special thanks go to Ilse Josepha Lazaroms for her superb script editing, to Magdalena Lakatos and Marga Castaldini for making our stay in California a most pleasant and productive one, and to my wife Irene for her assistance, strong support, and endless patience throughout my project. i5 Cold War.indb 2 2013.03.04. 13:37 ...
