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English translation ©2009 by tiina Kirss Published in 2009 by Central european university press An imprint of the Central European University share Company nádor utca 11, H-1051 Budapest, Hungary Tel: +36-1-327-3138 or 327-3000 Fax: +36-1-327-3183 E-mail: Website: 400 West 59th street, new York nY 10019, Usa Tel: +1-212-547-6932 Fax: +1-646-557-2416 E-mail: all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the permission of the Publisher. isBn 978-963-9776-39-5 cloth financial support for publication is gratefully acknowledged from the traducta foundation of the Estonian Cultural Endowment and the Ministry of Education of the Estonian Government (Program „Estonian Language and Cultural Memory“) library of Congress Cataloging-in-publiCation Data Eesti rahva elulood. English Estonianlifestories/compiledbyruttHinrikus;editedandtranslatedbytiinaKirss. p. cm. isBn 978-9639776395 (cloth) 1.Estonia—History—20thcentury—Biography.2.Estonia—Biography.i.Hinrikus,r. (rutt) ii. Kirss, tiina, 1957–iii. title. DK503.745.E3413 2009 947.98’0840922—dc22 [B] 2009017738 Printed in Hungary by akadémiai nyomda, Martonvásár ...
