In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

“A Beijing Man in New York” (soap opera, Barmé on), 164 agency (Nyíri on), 67 authenticity, who controlled it during the Cultural Revolution (Lomanov on), 50 Anderson, Benedict R. O’G., Imagined Communities, 5–6, 46, 123, 206, 238 “Asian values” (Nyíri on), 170–172 assimilation, example of, 79 authenticity (Duara on), 18–19, 25, 56, 102 centrality of Central Asia (Gladney on), 239 China Can Say No (editors about the book), 64–65 China – overseas Chinese relations, history of (Nyíri on), 148–150 Chinese empire in the late 19th century (Spence on), 183–185 Chinese modernity (Ong, Dikötter, Nyíri and students on), 25 cross-border Tais (Edwards on), 52 cultural globalization (Breidenbach and Zukrigl on), 9–15, 293 deconstructing Whiteness, 253 deconstruction (Duara on), 4, 18 de-territorialized nation-state (Glick Schiller, Basch and Szanton Blanc on), 109, 158 development, standards of (Nyíri on), 89 Diaspora (Ong on), 101 Dikötter on his approach to the study of China, 177–179 Duara on his conceptual approach, 36–37 de-territorialization, implications of for research, 103 Edwards on her intellectual trajectory, 206–207 ethnic continuum within and beyond the Han (Dikötter on), 114 family planning benefits for minorities (Dikötter on), 113 gender and nation (Edwards on), 254 Gladney on his approach, 240 “Greater China” (Ong on), 20 homogeneity of Asian states (Hobsbawm on), 252–253 immigration policy, discussion on, 95–97 importance of who controls media (Duara on), 124 insider’s and outsider’s view (Nyíri on), 56 Jew, myth of, 198–199 lineage revival (Gladney on), 284 media, role in constructing the identity of “new migrants“ from China (Nyíri on), 125 mediated transnationalism (Schein on), 128–139, 159 migration estimates (Lomanov on), 144–145 mimesis (Taussig on), 272 minority marriage customs, films on, 251 “minority overseas Chinese”, China’s definition of (Li Anshan on), 118–120 minorities framed by majority nationalism (Ong on), 6–7 minzu (Dikötter on), 113, 274 nationalism coproduction of, by the state and the market (Yoshino on), 53 different kinds of (Zha on), 99 narratives of Chineseness on the periphery (Nyíri on), 45–46 nations and states, overlap between (Gellner on), 102–103 Index of Text Boxes Page numbers in Italics indicate marginal references to text boxes. Chine össze 6 2005.05.31 11:49 Page 349 nude art, exhibition, 258 Nyíri: How did I study this?, 147 Ong’s module (Dikötter on), 1 overseas Chinese affairs organs, tactics of (Cheng and Ngok on), 152 “postnational” and “transnational”, discussion on the meaning of, 109–110 “private video rooms” (Gladney on), 256 pornography in China, restrictions on (Gladney on), 256 prostitution and pornography, crackdown on in China (Gladney on), 258–259 relationality and relativity (Gladney on), 272–73 Russian Far East, interpenetration of cultures in, discussion, 79–81 Sino-Russian treaties pre- and post-Westphalia (Lomanov on), 44, 84, 216 irreconcilable histories of (Lomanov on), 41 social evolutionary theories in China (Dikötter on), 186–187 source text, how to read: Zou Rong, The Revolutionary Army (1903) (Dikötter on), 189–195 “successful new migrant”, portrait of, 163 terminology, tyranny of (Gladney on), 243 transnational media, studying of (Schein and Nyíri on), 174–175 transnational politics, discussion, 111–112 transnationalism, methodological problems of the study of (Nyíri on), 121–122 “tribe”, debate over term in anthropology, 238 tribute system (Duara on), 31–32 TV-Hui (Gladney on), 246 What’s wrong with migration theories? (Nyíri on), 104–107, 141 Who speaks for “a culture”? (Clifford on), 18 Why do Chinese do business with Chinese? (Nyíri on), 167 Xiao Jiahe, exhibition comments on, 261–262 Yugur, the (Ståhlberg on), 275 Zha’s module (Nyíri on), 55 350 Index of Text Boxes Chine össze 6 2005.05.31 11:49 Page 350 ...
